Publicado por Machado de Assis em 1876, “Helena” gira em torno da personagem de mesmo nome – reconhecida em testamento como filha do Conselheiro Vale – e Estácio, filho...
A criança protagonista desta história não é ele ou ela. É apenas uma criança que aos treze anos passa por situações comuns a qualquer outra criança do mundo. As amizades...
DISPONÍVEL EM PORTUGUÊS EUROPEU (PT-EU) Qual o segredo para o sucesso da Amazon? O que a gigante do e-commerce promete para o futuro? Explore as novas estratégias da mais...
First published by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in January 1892 in The New England Magazine, The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story of extraordinary power, exploring issues of mental...
Discover over 10 hours worth of the forbidden fantasies collection that you can indulge in guilt free, while exploring your sexuality like never before!Every story is written so...
Discover over 10 hours worth of explicit erotic sex stories that you can indulge in guilt-free, while exploring your sexuality like never before!These stories have been written...
For as long as anyone can remember Seylah Wickes-Barnes has been at the side of August Leclaire, her best friend and the boy her fathers took under their wing.Now a grown woman...
The birds want a king, but they have difficulty choosing. They decide that the bird that can fly highest will be made king. The African Vulture thinks he has won the contest, but...
Fati has always been a fast runner, and proves this once again at her school's sports day. When she returns home from school, she helps her mother prepare okro soup. The soup...
From Nicole Arzt, licensed marriage and family therapist and founder of Psychotherapy Memes- a global community of more than 80,000 followers- comes a dynamic approach to...