A young guy named Jack Hong hitchhikes throughout America following the keilin, a mystical unicorn out of Chinese mythology. The keilin leads him to ten adventures with ghosts and...
Mac Tom, who creates artificial humans, searches on a chaotic Free Night for the woman he created to be the love of his life. On Free Nights, however, all artificials become...
In this light-hearted, futuristic Wild West, Louie Hong, the young, all-human cousin of a cyborg gunfighter known as “the Hong,” just wants to survive—and earn...
Leung Soey, white-haired at the age of 73, desperately needs the gold that a wealthy client from Singapore, Kwan Douhak, will pay him to translate at a very personal gathering....
Jimmy Mok lives in the Golden Day Sunset Home, in a powered wheelchair. Most of his enjoyment comes from watching old television reruns and movies, but this futuristic facility...
In this alternate world, a parody of old stories and movies about Chinatown, three recent college graduates of Chinese and Japanese descent celebrate graduation with a dinner in...