O grande amor de Deus por você, escrito pelo autor best-seller do New York Times Rick Warren, leva as crianças em uma jornada encantadora e cheia de ternura, mostrando que o...
UM GRANDE SONHO É UMA DECLARAÇÃO DE FÉSonhar é o primeiro passo para desenvolver nossa maturidade espiritual e transformar nossa vida. A Bíblia está repleta de histórias...
Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick...
"In the years I have been a pastor," writes Rick Warren, "the number-one question I'm asked is, 'Rick, why can't I change?'" People want to change--but they're stuck. Here's how...
Aclamado por la revista The Economist como el “pastor más influyente de américa” y reconocido por la revista Time como uno de los 100 personajes más...
When we have difficult questions, the Bible has answers. Join Rick Warren, pastor and New York Times bestselling author, as he invites us to take a closer look at key biblical...
Alcoholism - Divorce - Sexual Abuse - Codependency - Domestic Violence - Drug Addition - Sexual AddictionThese words are about more than "issues.” They're about people who...
The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids is a 365-day devotional for children 8 to 12, written by Pastor Rick Warren and based upon the themes and ideas found in his...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe Daniel Plan is far more than a diet plan. It is an appetizing approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle by optimizing the five key essentials of...
Introducing, an expanded edition of the #1 international bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life---now includes two new bonus chapters.