In the exhilarating tradition of I Am Pilgrim comes a sprawling, international high-stakes thriller that pits the intelligence of one man against one of the most successful spies...
'Narrator Siiri Scott's deep, eloquent voice is an ideal match for Jamie Nichols, a solitary defense attorney who is fighting to bring the uncle who abused her as a child to...
Micromegas, an inhabitant of one of the planets that orbits Sirius. His home world is 21.6 million times greater in circumference than the Earth. Micromegas stands 23 miles tall....
There was no doubt that they were going to be fun tonight. She could feel it, and she wanted it. 6 Erotic Stories Collection.1. The Babysitter2. The Heart Doctor3. The...
When Rose caught her stepfather, Kevin, with a bottle of her breast milk, she decided to tease him. However, she did not expect the outcome of her little game as Kevin made a...
Susan and Anne have both experienced the power of their big black slaves, but as a drought hits the South, their husbands are constantly at home. When Susan visits Anne, the two...
Joseph Conrad is regarded as one of the great novelists in English. He wrote stories and novels, predominantly with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit by...
Groom Karl Stipple keels over moments after eating a slice of cake at his own wedding reception. Now the police have locked down the resort, and wedding planner Julia is under...
A humorous story about a manipulative mother's attempts to arrange a marriage between her beautiful daughter and a wealthy elderly nobleman. The story provides an brilliant...
Princess Sophia Dorothea of Celle is forced, for political reasons, into marriage with Prince George Louis of Hanover, afterwards George I of England, but has a lover: Prince...