The Tao Of Jun

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 66:24:07
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Living An Inspired Life


  • The 5 Stages of Grief

    25/10/2019 Duração: 35min

    Understanding the 5 stages of grief is having such a positive impact on me! It doesn't make the pain I feel go away, but it does help me navigate through it with more clarity and awareness. I'm still in the depressed, sad stage - and I find myself still bargaining. Trying to get back that which I've lost. But now that I understand why I'm feeling these strong emotions, and why they can feel so unbearable at times, it helps me to know that there is healing after the pain. And we all go through it. So I can get through it too. I'm hopeful now, knowing that I'm almost at the acceptance stage, and there's no need to rush it. --- Support this podcast:

  • Doing My Best

    24/10/2019 Duração: 32min

    I'm getting ready to drive up to TN to give an all-day hands-on training at a grooming salon in Gallatin, TN tomorrow. I'm driving home to let my dogs out and pack my bags for the trip. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I'm sure everything will work out though... it always does. Or it won't, but that's ok too

  • Setting Off an Alarm

    23/10/2019 Duração: 21min

    I'm so upset with myself! I was at my client's house finishing up my groom, and after I was done I had to use the restroom. I was working in their garage so I had no idea that no one was home. I realized that no one was home when I opened the door and heard a loud beeping sound, and saw the red light flashing on their alarm system keypad. I panicked!! I shut the door and called my client, but she didn't answer. So I sent a couple of panicked, overly apologetic texts back to back!! You know, like an idiot. Then the siren went off... for a while... I thought to myself, "Now I'm screwed!!"

  • Change is Inevitable

    23/10/2019 Duração: 28min

    I think the best thing for me to do now is to adapt to the changes happening in my life rather than resist it. --- Support this podcast:

  • Living a Meaningful Life

    19/10/2019 Duração: 45min

    What makes life worth living? Why are we really here? What makes our time here worthwhile? I share my thoughts on these important questions in this episode. --- Support this podcast:

  • Life's a Trip!

    18/10/2019 Duração: 33min

    Getting ready to make the drive down to Orlando, FL to groom a dangerously aggressive Shih Tzu. This is my second time. The first time was back in July, and a part of me was worried that it would be impossible. But anything is possible, and this time I'm going to stream it live on YouTube to show that nothing is impossible. The word itself spells "I'm Possible!" --- Support this podcast:

  • Grateful For Difficult Times

    13/10/2019 Duração: 20min

    Changing my inner dialogue. No matter how difficult the situation is, no matter how heavy the burden, we all have the ability to get through one more day. Instead of feeling despair, I can feel determined and make the most of this opportunities that I have today. "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." Dr Wayne Dyer --- Support this podcast:

  • Accepting the Worst Case Scenario

    04/10/2019 Duração: 27min

    "Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart." Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club --- Support this podcast:

  • Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts

    01/10/2019 Duração: 18min

    Yesterday I was overwhelmed with sadness and depression. I tried to talk myself out of it like I usually do, but it didn't help... at all. I tried breathing techniques but that didn't help either. I felt overwhelmed with the feelings of despair and deep depression. I usually don't reach out to anyone for help because I don't want to bring anyone down. But in a state of desperation I reached out to my friend, Andre. After my conversation with Andre, I was able to feel a little better and decided to go walk my dogs at the park. Then I met an attorney at the dog park who deals with divorce and custody battles. After my conversation with him I felt a lot better. I was able to sleep last night without much difficulty. Then this morning I called the national suicide hotline and spoke with a man named Carl. I'm so glad I did because the conversation helped me immensely! The reason I'm sharing this is to encourage anyone who is struggling with depression or anxiety, and may be having suicidal thoughts, to please reac

  • Be Your Own Advocate!

    21/09/2019 Duração: 09min

    I had a dream last night that really bothered me. I was invited to a dinner party at one of my client's house, and I was surrounded by wealthy people inside a huge mansion. I felt so out of place and more than a bit insecure. When dinner was finally served, I very meekly asked a well dressed man if I could sit in an open seat next to him. He completely ignored me! So I asked again in a very submissive tone of voice, and this time he just glared at me. So I sheepishly sat on the floor and began eating my food. Then I heard people snickering and laughing behind me. When I woke up, I felt so upset and disappointed with myself. I realized that I need to stop behaving so sheepishly, and be more confident in myself! Be my own advocate, and speak up for myself. We all paid the same price of admission to exist here on earth! No one deserves to be here more than anyone else, and nobody has more value as a human being than you or I. Let's start valuing ourselves and stop acting so insecure. You have value, and you dese

  • What to do When Feeling Sad

    19/09/2019 Duração: 11min

    I was feeling super sad this morning and it was starting to affect me physically. It was triggered by looking at a cat's tail plant during my walk this morning. It reminded me of when I would pluck one of the stalks for my daughter, Ava, while I would push her in her stroller when she was little girl. I remembered when my younger daughter, Annabelle, would tell me, "Daddy, don't step on the lines!" Which made me feel even more sad missing those times I'd walk with her and play the "don't step on the lines" game. When I got back home from the walk, I saw their baby pictures all over the house which made me feel even more sad! Later, while driving to my client's house this morning, the feeling of sadness started to overwhelm me! I started to feel extremely tired, weak, and sleepy. That was when I remembered a concept that I learned from John Kabat-Zinn, the author of The Full Catastrophe Living. He says that we should become an observer to our own feelings rather than fall victim to them. He points out th

  • Doing Things That Matter

    18/09/2019 Duração: 26min

    I had a day off yesterday, and I originally planned on changing my engine oil, working on emails, running a few errands, the gym, walking my dogs in the evening and then finally getting some rest because I have a very busy week ahead of me. Instead I decided to go up and spend some time with my daughters in Tennessee. And I am so glad I did!! We met at a library near their house so that I could work on my emails while they worked on their schoolwork. Then we had a delicious meal at Chic-Fil-A before heading over to Opry Mills to play the Escape Room Game. I honestly didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did!! We had such a great time, and it was such a great experience!! It was so challenging and difficult!! My younger daughter, Annabelle, got scared at the end and wanted to quit. The music was scaring her, and she asked several times if we could stop. I kept reassuring her, and told her everything was going to be ok. My older daughter was feeling the pressure of the clock as the 60 minute time limit was qui

  • The Past Does Not Want You

    13/09/2019 Duração: 14min

    There's an episode of the Twilight Zone called The Trouble with Templeton. It's about a man who can't let go of his past. Then one day he is suddenly transported back to his past. But is wife and best friend, both of whom he missed dearly, treated him so badly. They were dismissive, mean, and extremely rude to him. Then he comes back to his original time and realizes that they were all just acting in order to get him to come back to the present moment. To live his life fully. To stop living in the past. Stop wishing things were the way they used to be. So that he could take full ownership of his life right now, and live it to the best of his ability. He learned that the past does not want him there. But the present moment needs him here. This was exactly the lesson that I needed last night. While I was walking my dogs, I started to feel sad reminiscing about my daughters. Remembering the times we had and missing them so much. Then I remembered this lesson, and brought myself back to the present moment.

  • A Life Changing Decision to Make

    12/09/2019 Duração: 34min

    I'm currently facing a very difficult decision that will potentially change my life! No matter what I choose, both options will have a huge impact on my future. While keeping my end goal of starting a dog grooming school in mind, I really need to decide which experience will be the most valuable and beneficial to my future students. --- Support this podcast:

  • Weathering the Storm of Life

    08/09/2019 Duração: 35min

    I'm finally beginning to feel better about myself and my current situation. I remember hearing an analogy about a ship in the ocean. As long as there are no holes in the ship, and the water cannot get inside, the ship will not sink. I've been hit with the winds of divorce, and the storm of sadness. My ship has been damaged. But instead of focusing my energy and attention on repairing my ship, I've been wasting my time blaming the ocean of life. Shaking my fist at the sky in anger and resentment. Blaming the waves instead of repairing the damage within myself. Now that I've found the real source of my pain, I'm now feeling so much better! It's empowering to know that I have the power to repair my broken heart, and still make something beautiful out of my shattered dreams. Like Dr Wayne Dyer used to say, "When you refuse to go within, you will always go without." --- Support this podcast:

  • Talking Myself Out of a Meltdown

    05/09/2019 Duração: 28min

    Today was especially tough for me. I'm battling demons that seem so scary! Fighting feelings of despair and anguish. Feeling trapped and hopeless. But I got through it. Speaking my thoughts out loud during my walk with my dogs this evening really helped bring me back from that deep dark place. I hope by sharing this, and by hearing my thought process, it might help someone else who may be feeling the way I felt today. #staystrong #thingscangetbetter #takecontrolofyourmind --- Support this podcast:

  • Overcoming Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

    04/09/2019 Duração: 01h07min

    This is probably one of the most meaningful conversations I've ever had. My friend Lee has graciously offered her time, and courageously shared some of the most difficult experiences a human being can ever go through. She has dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts for most of her life. In this conversation Lee shares with me practical ways, and helpful ideas that can help anyone who is struggling with depression and/or thoughts of suicide. These are real world tips and strategies given by someone who has gone through it herself. For that reason alone, I believe that they are truly applicable for others who are going through it as well. If you or anyone you know is struggling through the darkest of times, please encourage them to listen to this podcast episode. I honestly believe it will help. I am so incredibly grateful for Lee's courage and willingness to share her experiences in order to help someone else. --- Support this podcast:

  • It's All Hard Work

    03/09/2019 Duração: 53min

    Sometimes new groomers, or people who are thinking about changing careers into grooming, are disappointed when they contact me. I'm usually very encouraging, and I love to help inspire and motivate my fellow groomers. But the reason why I sometimes discourage people from grooming is because they're in it for the wrong reason. I can tell by the questions they ask: "How quickly can I become a groomer?"; "How much money can I make?", etc. If you're doing it because you think it'll be a fun way to make money - no matter what line of work it is - you're in it for the wrong reason, and it will never end well. If anything, I'm trying to save them from years of frustration. --- Support this podcast:

  • Dealing with Depression

    03/09/2019 Duração: 26min

    I'd like to share some ideas and strategies that I've been using that have really been helping me through this tough time in my life. No one is immune to the difficulties and hardships in life. If you find yourself on the edge, contemplating the worst, I'd like to share how I've managed to pull myself back from the edge of the cliff. I hope this helps

  • Maybe This is Heaven

    03/09/2019 Duração: 15min

    I got through another day! It wasn't pretty, but it was my best. I'm really starting to understand that I'm not perfect, and maybe that's perfect. Just like a diamond is precious because of it's flaws and imperfections, maybe it's the difficult times in our lives that makes it so beautiful and precious. Maybe if everything was perfect it would be boring as hell! Maybe what feels like hell is actually heaven. --- Support this podcast:

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