Dr. Jim Richards

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 225:09:30
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 8. Ancient Alien Theory

    22/04/2021 Duração: 28min

    It’s amazing how many believers are intimidated by what we think is science. It’s also amazing how many references are made to something being scientific or coming from scientific research when, in fact, it’s nothing but someone’s opinion and has never been proven. I remember the first attempt by a preacher to convince me that the idea of extraterrestrials was presented in the Bible. I looked up the Scripture reference given and, of course, couldn’t see any proof to support his claim. The only “extraterrestrials,” if you will, that the Bible ever mentions are angels. The Bible does not indicate any other beings alive anywhere in the universe. However, in an effort to disprove God, some people want you to believe that aliens of super-intelligence created the human race. In this week’s CyberChurch message, I share things you’ll probably rarely ever hear. You’ll learn the difference between real science and false science that constantly seeks to undermine your faith in God. You’ll discover the goal they hope t

  • 7. The Patience of the Saints

    15/04/2021 Duração: 29min

    "The Bible tells us that there is a way we can have patience when we face trials and tribulations, particularly the type of tribulations that will be coming in the not-too-distant future. “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword, and here is the patience of the saints” (Revelation 13:10). In a nutshell, this is saying that if we understand the persecution's outcome, we will have patience as we go through it. This week in CyberChurch we are looking at several key events in the Bible in which it seemed impossible for God’s people to have a positive outcome. But there was a good outcome in each of those situations. When we understand those events and what the Bible teaches about them, then, we can be confident in the outcome when people begin to persecute, attack, and kill. If you want to feel stable, confident, bold, and be filled with faith, no matter what happens on Planet Earth, watch “The Patie

  • 6. The Imaginary Battle Part 2

    08/04/2021 Duração: 28min

    Every professional knows the 80/20 rule: twenty percent of your effort produces eighty percent of your results. Sadly, in business, relationships, and our walk with God, we put eighty percent of our effort in the wrong place. Consequently, we work very diligently at eighty percent of our effort to get only twenty percent of the desired outcome. There are few things as discouraging as working really hard and getting very little benefit! Much of what we have been taught to do as believers produces no meaningful benefit; it only produces mountains of frustration and eventually undermines our faith. The Apostle Paul calls that “beating the air.” This week I will show how to avoid religious nonsense that undermines your faith and produces no meaningful benefits. Join me this week for “The Imaginary Battle, Part 2.”

  • 5. The Imaginary Battle

    01/04/2021 Duração: 28min

    Every reason we could ever come up with to be afraid of the devil is a religious lie that is holding us captive and keeping us from being who we really are in Jesus. To understand what’s happening in the world right now, it is crucial that we understand what happened with Lucifer in ancient history. If we don’t understand the battles and struggles that have taken place in the past, we will not understand what is happening right in front of us. Even worse, we won’t be able to see what’s coming and prepare ourselves as events unfold. To live as overcomers, it’s absolutely essential that we put an end to all fear of the devil. The devil is a liar and has no power over us. When we’re overwhelmed and afraid of being put into a situation we just can’t win, we have to realize that Satan's every attempt to overthrow God and the human race has failed miserably. If you feel you’re fighting an overwhelming battle and need some encouragement, watch this week’s CyberChurch broadcast. “The Imaginary Battle” will boost your

  • 4. Stairway to Heaven

    25/03/2021 Duração: 29min

    For decades we have been deceived. It starts with the methods for dating fossils and the universe. The Old Universe theory stands in stark opposition to the biblical record. In fact, the only reason these incredibly unreliable methods are used is that they oppose the Bible. Even though we have biblical accounts and written records from ancient civilizations globally, we are still told we don’t know who built the pyramids and other ancient megalithic structures. The problem is not that they don’t know; the problem is that the facts support the Word of God. This week in CyberChurch, I share one of the most interesting and significant ancient mysteries. The Bible reveals that portals were used to allow “Watchers” to cross over from eternity to Plant Earth. Watchers were a specific type of “angelic-beings” that could not be distinguished from humans, whom God used to serve the heirs of salvation. When they rebelled, they used these portals to cross over and bring evil and destruction to the world. Join me this we

  • 3. The War On Earth

    18/03/2021 Duração: 29min

    The Bible says that we as believers should understand the strategies of the wicked one. Unfortunately, many of us don’t. We think Satan is more powerful than he is. But he really has no authority. The only way he can implement his desires is by tricking human beings into believing his ways are better than God’s ways and exercising their authority on Planet Earth. In this week’s CyberChurch message, “The War on Earth”, you’ll discover how Satan gained authority and how he uses it to deceive people and rob them of every good thing that Jesus died to give them. The mysteries of knowing God, His power, and how to live victoriously will be unlocked and your eyes will be opened. You’ll be equipped in ways you wouldn’t believe as you discover more about the ancient mysteries of Planet Earth and how knowing and understanding those mysteries will benefit you. When we have an understanding of these things, it validates so much of what the Bible teaches. And when we believe the Bible, we can’t be controlled by outside f

  • 2. Spiritual Origins

    11/03/2021 Duração: 29min

    The Bible teaches us that we can’t fully understand a truth until we know how it began. When we know how something began, we can understand exactly what is happening and why. Then, we can have confidence in how it will end. Sadly, many Christians are like the person who walks into a mystery movie when it’s halfway over. They missed the beginning; therefore, they don’t understand the plot, the players, or anything that’s happening. They’re lost and confused. That’s how many of us are. We open the Bible to the New Testament and believe it doesn’t matter what came before. But it does matter! If you want to understand the spiritual origins of all things affecting Planet Earth today, I encourage you to watch this week’s CyberChurch message. My new series, Ancient Mysteries, is incredibly encouraging and will open your eyes to many things the Bible has told us, but the world has kept hidden. You will love where this takes you! It will open your understanding of God and free you from all the confusion created by rel

  • 1. Ancient Mysteries

    04/03/2021 Duração: 28min

    Who built the pyramids and other megalithic structures around the world? What was their purpose? How were the ancients able to calculate the position of individual stars and constellations without computers or telescopes? How did they know scientific facts thousands of years before modern science? How were pyramids, temples, and other megalithic structures erected more precisely than anything we can build today? Until you can answer these questions, you will easily be seduced with counterfeit explanations. The most important question is this, “Why do governments, scientists, and educational institutions put so much effort into hiding the truth?” These historical facts that can be easily proven, destroy false science. How? They prove the validity and accuracy of the Bible, possibly more than anything other than the resurrection of Jesus. This is what governments, occultists, and elitists don’t want you to know! When you have these answers, they can no longer seduce you! In this series, I’ll provide Biblical an

  • 6. Freedom to Choose

    25/02/2021 Duração: 28min

    I want to help you understand and exercise your greatest freedom! The greatest freedom we should protect at all costs is our freedom to choose. The very first thing God says about man is that we are created in His likeness and image. He is saying, “You’re like me.” Since we are created in God's likeness and image, and He gave us dominion over Planet Earth, Planet Earth and our lives become what we choose. We are always making choices, good or bad, and our lives directly reflect those choices. God has shown us how we can enter into life if we follow His wisdom or enter into death if we don’t. Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us to “choose life.” When we are fully committed to the Lord and following Him, we will start enjoying life to the fullest. I want to help you understand your freedom to choose. In this week’s CyberChurch message, I provide insights that will help you understand this freedom, how to use it to change your life, and how that changes everything in your world. When we make a choice, we are demonstrati

  • 5. What Will You Do With Freedom?

    18/02/2021 Duração: 28min

    What would you do if you suddenly become debt-free? Studies show that most people who win the lottery or suddenly become debt-free without earning it are usually completely broke within just a few years—many in worse financial condition than before. When someone becomes debt-free without developing good character, self-control, or wise spending habits, all they have are more resources to destroy their lives. They still have the same crooked, messed-up heart. They develop a sense of character and money management that keeps them making the same horrible mistakes. And because there are no consequences, they continue making bad decisions, always expecting someone else to bail them out. There’s an interesting distinction between the government or someone else trying to bail us out and finding real freedom in Jesus. When the government bails us out, nothing changes internally. Therefore, we continue to do the same things over and over because it’s the condition of our hearts that determines whether the money will

  • 4. Freedom From Self-Destruction

    11/02/2021 Duração: 28min

    The Bible teaches us that we can always triumph, overcome, and have victory no matter what we face. The way we walk out of or into anything in the kingdom of God is all the same, whether in health, money, ministry, or relationship. The rules don’t change because things become challenging. We don’t need anything new or different. Jesus is always enough. True freedom, according to the Word of God, is given to us specifically through the Person of Jesus by God and God alone. The freedom that Jesus gives is a freedom from sin, self-destruction, and the things that destroy our lives. It’s the freedom to walk in love. We don’t have to steal, kill, and destroy to get what we want out of life. We can walk in love and enjoy the freedom of God. Knowing how to connect with Jesus and His finished work in our hearts (not our minds or intellect) is always the solution to anything we will ever face. Once we get this down pat, we always know what to do. Unfortunately, most people don’t ever get it down pat. They’re good peop

  • 3. Destructive Questions

    04/02/2021 Duração: 28min

    When facing challenges or critical situations, the questions we begin to ask ourselves, God, or others will very probably cause us to lose or postpone the very victory we are seeking. Asking destructive questions always leads to destructive answers. Destructive answers always lead to destructive behavior. In other words, if we ask the wrong questions, we always get the wrong answers, then we end up taking the wrong actions. You may be looking around at the world today and thinking, “How can I celebrate right now? Everything is going wrong. There’s tragedy everywhere.” Most of the time, the worst thing we can do when facing an overwhelming situation is to start asking questions. I want to show you, from a biblical perspective, how to navigate these troubled times. I want to show you what you need to do first to get yourself out of harm’s way, and then start asking questions. God wants every day to be a celebration of life for you, and I want to help you get there. In this week’s CyberChurch message, “Destructi

  • 2. Better Than You Can Ask Or Think

    28/01/2021 Duração: 28min

    No matter what is going on in the world around us, no matter what challenges we face, there’s always going to be much more grace, much more power and strength of God working in us to prevail than is working against us. “...But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20). The world around us may be getting darker, but God’s light can light our way through the darkness. God is still with us and is not against us. The more we anchor our hearts in how good and faithful God is, the more hope and stability we will have. When we believe that God is good and only good, our hearts will ever be open to Him for solutions, answers, leadership, and direction. What God wants to offer us is so much better than anything we’ve ever asked or imagined. The problem is that we just don’t believe He is that good. To live victoriously in the months and years to come we have to realize that God is better than anything we’ve ever imagined, seen, heard, or thought. Then, we can walk in a world that’s falling apart an

  • Is This the End?

    21/01/2021 Duração: 28min

    Please enjoy this encore Cyberchurch episode from July, 2020. "Spiritual Secrets For A Brand New Beginning" will return soon. So many people have asked me if this is the end of time. If you’re asking that question, you don’t really understand what the Bible means when it talks about “the end.” In Matthew 24, when Jesus talks about the many things happening and says, “This is not the end”; He is talking about reaching the end or completion of the goal (the reason all these things are happening), not the end of time. These things are happening to destroy people’s confidence in God. The good news is that Jesus isn’t coming back to bring about the end of time. Jesus is coming back to bring an end of the destruction that’s done by wickedness and lawlessness and to give us a thousand years of peace before we reach the end of time. Don’t let your heart be troubled. In the end, we win because, in the end, God has already won. I want to help deliver you from the fear that comes from the deception happening in the

  • How to read the Signs

    14/01/2021 Duração: 28min

    Please enjoy this encore Cyberchurch episode from July, 2020. "Spiritual Secrets For A Brand New Beginning" will return soon. When Jesus returns, it will not be to bring an end to the world but to prevent the antichrist and evildoers from destroying the world and mankind. Until He returns, there are ways we can manage ourselves so that we can be overcomers no matter what’s going on around us. Part of this is knowing how to read the signs and being aware of what’s going on in our country, our city, our state, and even in our own lives. Once you know how to read the signs, then you know the kinds of decisions you need to make. God wants you to make decisions that lead to life, peace, and joy. And I want to do everything I can to help you get there. If you want to discover more about how to read the signs and how to usher in the return of the Lord, watch this week’s CyberChurch message, “How to Read the Signs”, where I give you simple, practical, biblical wisdom that you can put into practice and put you ahead o

  • Reading the Times

    07/01/2021 Duração: 29min

    Please enjoy this encore Cyberchurch episode from July, 2020. "Spiritual Secrets For A Brand New Beginning" will return soon. Anyone can look around and see what is happening in the world today. But God wants us to see what’s happening and properly understand “the times.” Unless we understand the times, i.e. "why" these things are happening, we can never properly understand what actions to take.Observing an event is like standing on a boat and looking at the surface of the water. Seeing the surface doesn't reveal what is going on beneath the surface. God's Word explains how you can get beneath the surface to see and understand the times. Then, and only then, can you know what to do!

  • 1. Turn the Curse Into a Blessing

    31/12/2020 Duração: 28min

    2021 is upon us, and here in America, we’re facing what is probably the most perilous times our country has ever faced. Many are living in fear and dread, trying to predict what kind of year it will be. While I can’t tell you what’s coming next, I can assure you that we can still be overcomers regardless of what happens. We can face the obstacles, and we can win. God can do something in us that supersedes everything happening in the world around us and in our own lives. Every promise God has ever made is still true for you personally. The curse may surround us, but I want to take you on a journey that will help you rise above what’s happening in the world today. You can turn the curse into a blessing and live like an overcomer! Watch this week’s CyberChurch message, “Turn the Curse into a Blessing,” to learn how.

  • 2. Peace on Earth

    24/12/2020 Duração: 28min

    Every year at Christmastime, the phrase “peace on earth” is declared around the world. However, in Luke 2:14, when it says, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” the angels weren’t saying that at His coming, Jesus would establish peace among men. The Bible specifically says there would be peace toward men. In other words; for the first time since man rebelled in the Garden, there will be peace between God and man. The Bible calls God the God of Peace, (Romans 16:20). As such, He sent the Messiah to be the Prince of Peace and to establish a covenant of peace between God and the Man Jesus. We enter into that covenant through the Lord Jesus, and our commission is to go and preach the gospel of peace, which is this: Christ is our righteousness. When we believe and receive His righteousness in our hearts we experience the peace of God, which gives us the sense of a clear conscience and awareness of everything we have in Jesus. I don’t want a single person to believe that what’s g

  • 1. The Star of Bethlehem

    17/12/2020 Duração: 28min

    I hope you’re preparing for a meaningful Christmas. By that, I mean a Christmas that honors God and celebrates what Jesus came to earth to give us. You can bring the life of God to your family and friends in an incredibly meaningful way. In this week’s CyberChurch message, I’m talking to you about The Star of Bethlehem. The Star of Bethlehem brings us to an incredible truth - that all of what we call the twelve signs of the Zodiac (not for fortune-telling or nonsense) and the Constellations tell the story of the entire Gospel truth. When the Bible says, “The heavens declare the glory of God,” (Psalm 19:1) it’s not only that they are glorious in their creation, although that’s true. It’s the fact that God declared the story of the glory of God. In this incredible true story, you’ll discover that because of the witness of Daniel after he was taken into captivity, God was able to guide the Chaldeans to the star of the coming Messiah. This will cause you to rejoice and will change the way you see this traditiona

  • 6. The Ultimate Decision

    10/12/2020 Duração: 28min

    “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you...” (Job 22:28, AMP). To be true people of faith, we must understand that we are made in the likeness and image of God, and regardless of whether we deserve it or not, we have authority here on Planet Earth simply because we are human beings. Likewise, we have authority in heaven because we are in Jesus, and He has authority in heaven and earth. Because we are in Jesus, we have authority to harmonize what God has created in heaven here on Planet Earth. We often operate in our own concepts of faith instead of operating in the faith of God - faith the way God showed us. God wants us to walk in a faith that is not only immovable, but that sees the end from the beginning and takes hold of His promises, bringing them to ourselves. The parables have what I call the “golden thread of personal responsibility” woven into the fabric of every single message Jesus taught. Jesus was teaching us how to live and function in the kingdom of God and t

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