Dr. Jim Richards

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 225:09:30
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 6. Time Travel to the Future

    10/12/2015 Duração: 27min

    Time traveling to the future! We would all like to travel to the future to see what will be different, but the truth is unless we apply Jesus’ principles for developing the heart, the future will look exactly like the past. By applying Jesus’ truths about the heart we can create a new future. Our heart and mind have the ability to bring that future into this present moment. Join me this week and discover the secret to creating the future you desire!

  • 5. Time Travel to the Past

    03/12/2015 Duração: 27min

    Time traveling to the past! No, this isn’t science fiction, and it probably isn’t what you think! Almost everyone wishes they could travel to the past and change some negative or destructive experience(s). The truth is most of us travel to the past every day in our thoughts, memories and imaginations, but we don’t change the past; we relive it. We take the horrible experiences from yesterday and bring them into this present moment. Every time we relive these past events they assure us that, just as Jesus warned, we’re going to keep getting more of what we’ve had! Join me this week as I help you break this pattern of reliving and repeating past pain. It’s your first step on a path to a new way of life!

  • 4. The Power of Thankfulness

    26/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    Thankfulness is an attitude that transforms our life from the inside out. The thankful person recognizes the good things around them, no matter how many negative things are happening. Therefore, the negative events of life are powerless over them. Because their heart is trained to spot the good things, they see opportunities that others over look. They are masters of their emotions therefore masters of their circumstances. And that’s just the beginning! Join me this week and discover more about the power of thankfulness!

  • 3. Moving Beyond the Boundaries of Time

    19/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    Moving beyond the limitations of time must occur before the believer can enter into limitless living. Time is a temporary phenomenon that twists our perspective to the natural realm. Our concepts of time play a major role in the limitations we place on God. God has made it possible for us to enter into eternity through the door of heart: it’s called the Kingdom of God. Once we enter that realm many amazing things happen: our perspective changes to align more with God’s perspective; we no longer feel the pressure to rush and fight against time and we realize that we have access to all of God’s eternal resources! Join me this week to discover how you can move beyond the limitations of time!

  • 2. The Mind of the Miraculous

    12/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    Time traveling to the future! We would all like to travel to the future to see what’s going to be different. The truth is unless we apply Jesus’ principles for developing the heart, the future will look exactly like the past. By applying Jesus’ truths about the heart we can create a new future. Our heart and mind has the ability to bring that future into this present moment. Join me this week and discover the secret to create the future you desire!

  • 1. Created for the Miraculous

    05/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    Time traveling to the past! No! This is not science fiction and it’s probably not what you think! Almost everyone wishes they could travel back to the past and change some negative or destructive experience. The truth is most of us travel to the past every day in our thoughts, memories, and imaginations. But we don’t change the past; we relive it. We take the horrible experiences from yesterday and bring them into this present moment. Every time we relive these past events they assure us that just as Jesus warned, we’re going to keep getting more of what we’ve had! Join me this week as I help you break this pattern of reliving and repeating past pain. It’s your first step on a path to a new way of life!

  • 5. The War for Your Faith

    29/10/2015 Duração: 26min

    There is a war for your soul. Most believers understand this, but few realize how that warfare is played out. While we’re busy jumping through religious hoops, the enemy is filling our mind with lies against God. This week we will discuss the four main areas used to deceive us: the occult (secret societies), governments of the world (using educational systems), false science (including medical science), and religion (those who speak in the name of Jesus but do not base their teaching on the Word of God). We are living in a time when there will be a great falling away. Guard your heart with the truth of God’s Word and the knowledge of the enemy’s strategies.

  • 4. Suppressing the Truth

    22/10/2015 Duração: 27min

    This universe and everything in it is a testimony to the love of God! There are millions of factors that must be perfectly tuned in order for life to exist on Planet Earth. In fact, modern science recognizes that this universe was designed to bring forth and support life. Every second of every day trillions of cells perform billions of activities that are only possible because of the perfectly-tuned balance between our body and all things in the universe. But all of these truths are purposely suppressed. The same spirit that works in religion to make you believe God is an angry, vengeful God works in governments to suppress and pervert the truth of God! Join me this week as we discuss how wonderfully God created this universe and how all of creation shouts the glory of the God of love!

  • 3. Science: The New Religion

    15/10/2015 Duração: 27min

    Science has become the new religion for the world. Corrupt science feeds false information to the public; then based on false science the government passes laws that affect everything from what medicines we take, to what is injected into our food, to what can be taught in our schools. The market is flooded with toxic items that are killing us and our children are being robbed of their faith, but because we have been told it is scientifically-proven, we harden our hearts to God’s Word. There is a war for your soul and false science is at the core of what is corrupting our world! Join me this week and get your eyes opened to what’s happening in the world’s system and discover what you can do to protect your heart!

  • 2. God or Science: Who's Right?

    08/10/2015 Duração: 27min

    Is it possible that earth was created in six twenty-four hour days? If so, this would mean that man has only been on Planet Earth for less than 6000 years; yet, we have recorded fossils and energetic studies of the universe that say the earth is over 15 billion years old. So which is true? You’ll be amazed to discover the answer! What will shock you even more is the cover-up that has gone on for nearly a century disproving Darwin’s theory of evolution. Knowing these facts is essential to protecting yourself from the deluge of false science designed to destroy your faith. Join me this week and take a quantum leap in your faith as you discover the trustworthiness of God’s Word!

  • 1. The God of Creation: Truth or Lie

    30/09/2015 Duração: 27min

    Science is slowly, but surely, catching up with the Bible. In fact, the only discrepancies between the Bible and science are the inaccurate interpretations of either Scripture or scientific data by those who are either ignorant or working an agenda. Faith (absolute trust), which is essential for walking with God, is rooted in what we believe about creation (Hebrews 11:1-13). With the advent of quantum science evidence points out that God’s Word is exactly precise in its account of creation. This is something that every person needs to know, especially those who are being seduced by the false “science of evolution.” Free yourself and your children from the deception of false science. Join me this week and recover your faith in the God of creation! Discover the incredible truth that has been hidden for thousands of years and only now, with the advances in science, revealing the truth of God’s Word. Share this message with all your friends; it’s important for every believer!

  • 4. The Great Deception

    24/09/2015 Duração: 27min

    As we race toward the rise of the Antichrist the greatest danger for the believer is deception. Deception will swallow most of the world’s population. Because religion has so perverted the truth about God, many believers will lose faith. One of the greatest lies about the end is, “The end is when God gets so angry at the world He finally pours out His wrath to punish us!” This is absolutely untrue; yet it is what most Christians believe. How can we reach out to God for help, protection, and provision if we believe He is the author of the darkest times the world has ever seen? We can’t! This erroneous doctrine is all part of the great deception. Join me this week as I share what Jesus taught us about overcoming the deception of the end!

  • 3. The Coming Antichrist

    17/09/2015 Duração: 27min

    The reason we are so confused about the Antichrist and the end is because we are ignorant of the beginning. We read the Book of Revelation and we’re like people who walk into the middle of a complex mystery movie. We didn’t see the beginning where all the characters and their roles were defined, so we attempt to understand the plot and the end without the essential information. Until you understand the first Antichrist, you will never understand the last Antichrist. Join me this week as we not only identify the last Antichrist, but we also learn the secret to overcoming when he rises to his ultimate power!

  • 2. Mystery Babylon and Global Corruption

    10/09/2015 Duração: 27min

    Mystery Babylon is the source of all occult, secret religious societies, false religions, cults, and corrupt governments. It embraces the lies that say God is harsh and judgmental and His commandments are the source of all pain in the world. It views Lucifer as the great liberator who brought knowledge, light, and revelation to man. Today it consists of the elite who seek to eliminate all who believe in God and trust His Word. This week you will learn the sinister strategies of Mystery Babylon and how you can live free from her seductive influence.

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