Dr. Jim Richards

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 225:09:30
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 7. Transformation by Revelation

    15/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    So many believers seem to wear themselves out attempting to become the person they want to be. We fail to understand that we don’t need to become someone or something else; we simply need to release our new nature. The Apostle John points out that transformation comes by revelation: when we see God as He really is, through the life, teaching, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus we are effortlessly transformed into that image. Join me this week and put an end to your striving as you discover the secret of Transformation by Revelation.

  • 6. Loving in the Light

    08/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    God’s Word promises that when nothing else will work in our relationships, walking in love is the only possibility. Sadly many people apply what they consider to be love, but it turns out to be enabling or some other destructive substitute for love. One of the greatest revelations about the commandments of the Old Testament is they were never meant to be a list of laws and regulations. According to Jesus they are the basis for how we should treat one another, i.e. God’s prescription for loving one another. Join me this week and discover the incredible power that is released as we learn to love in God’s wisdom instead of our own.

  • 5. Light Reveals Love

    01/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    Jesus exalted love to the top priority in life: love God; Love your neighbor and love yourself! Then Jesus show us in His life, teachings, personal conduct and death, burial and resurrection what that looks like in application. To learn more, click here: If love is the most important thing, my interpretation of every scripture would make me love God, people and myself more. If it doesn’t then I am not applying Jesus teaching to the word: my view of the scripture is not light but darkness. The true light, truth, revelation of God’s Word always reveals love to us, through us and in us! Join me this week For Light Reveals Love

  • 4. Jesus: The Life and Light

    25/08/2016 Duração: 27min

    Jesus is the life and the life is the light of men. From this we realize that light does not precede life. We tend to think we can gather enough biblical knowledge or have enough persona revelation to ultimately experience the life of God. As a result of this we tend to read the bible, listen to sermons and read books, which are things that should be done. But we allow this pursuit of knowledge to replace intimacy and fellowship with Jesus. This has crippled the church for the last 1500 years. Light, knowledge, never gives life. It can, however, lead us to the sources of life. This week I want to help you return to the only source of life: fellowship with Jesus!

  • 3. Life that Brings Light

    18/08/2016 Duração: 26min

    Jesus is the life and the life is the light of men. From this we realize that light does not precede life. We tend to think we can gather enough biblical knowledge or have enough persona revelation to ultimately experience the life of God. As a result of this we tend to read the bible, listen to sermons and read books, which are things that should be done. But we allow this pursuit of knowledge to replace intimacy and fellowship with Jesus. This has crippled the church for the last 1500 years. Light, knowledge, never gives life. It can, however, lead us to the sources of life. This week I want to help you return to the only source of life: fellowship with Jesus!

  • 2. Light in the Darkness

    11/08/2016 Duração: 27min

    God’s word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path… or is it? If we misinterpret God’s Word it will not be light for us, to make our paths safe, instead it will be darkness that causes us to stumble and fall. Most of our interpretation and ideas about application of the Word of God did not come from Jesus. They came from some part of our culture. They may have enough truth to shine a dim light on the treacherous path through the valley of the shadow of death, but it will never be enough light to see clearly. This week I will be sharing The Light in the Darkness. You will discover God’s recipe for interpreting His Word. When you apply this truth to your knowledge of the Word, you will finally come to know Jesus as your wisdom.

  • 1. Angels of Light, Authors of Deception

    04/08/2016 Duração: 27min

    How does Satan transform himself into an angel of light? Knowing the biblical answer to this question gives us the answer to the true demoralization of America and the reason so many churches have become carnal and weak. The deception of the church and the world is not happening the way you might think. We have been lulled into a sleep that can render us incapable of recognizing the deception that is destroying our life, our nation, and the world. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch and learn the strategies of the deceivers, the false messengers of light, as we unveil: Angels of Light Authors of Deception.

  • 9. Christ is the only Reality

    28/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    One of the primary goals of New Covenant Prayer is to enter into our true identity in Jesus, putting on all the provision and benefits. The core of the new covenant resides in the reality that we abide in Him. We are to God as He is! We are hid in Christ! We are seated with Him. We share in all His privileges and benefits. This week I want to show you how to transform a prayer life of begging and complaining about problems, to a life of solutions as you put on your new identity in Christ!

  • 8. Avoiding Temptation

    21/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    Temptation doesn’t start outside of us with the devil. Temptation starts in our own hearts. The best way to deal with temptation is to avoid it! In more than 40 years of counseling I have never met one person that applied Jesus’ teaching in prayer to avoid temptation. But you can! Rather than fighting against temptation, by following Jesus’ instruction you can avoid it. Join me this week and I’ll show you the one thing you can do to always avoid temptation!

  • 7. Getting Better Than I Deserve

    14/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    We all need to stay intimately connected to the mercy of God. Mercy is when God gives us better than we deserve. Despite our best efforts we all fail, fall short or violate boundaries. When we do, condemnation can creep in and undermine our faith. Jesus taught us to connect to the mercy of God in prayer in a very unique manner. Join me this week as we discuss Getting Better Than I deserve. Learn to influence your heart to always experience God’s mercy i.e. better than you deserve!

  • 6. New Covenant Provision

    07/07/2016 Duração: 27min

    The Biblical promise of God’s provision is an area that has been so twisted and perverted that few people know what God actually promises. God’s name and nature is that of a provider. He has always sought to be the source of our provision. The corrupt prosperity message of the 80s & 90s was greed driven foolishness. But on the other extreme there were those who taught that poverty was spiritual. When Jesus taught us to pray He revealed that having our needs met was one of the key factors for avoiding temptation. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch as we explore New Covenant Provision and how we incorporate that into our prayer life!

  • 5. How to Set Your Life in Order

    30/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    For many prayer is all about getting the cure, finding the answer, and responding to the crisis. But in New Covenant Prayer we move to the place of prevention and protection! This is the place where we realign our motives, actions, and beliefs with God. This is where we guard our heart by dealing with situations that would make us vulnerable to temptation. Stop waiting until you’re in trouble to pray! Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch and I’ll teach you How to Set Your Life in Order. Your prayer life will never be the same!

  • 4. Establishing the Kingdom on Earth

    23/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    Too much of our prayer life is asking God to do what He has told us to do, and asking Him to give us what we already have in Christ! True prayer is where we put on the new man. It is prayer in which we bind and loose, put off and put on. God has already decided that the Kingdom can come in our hearts today. The problem is we haven’t decided. Because of religious traditions we are asking the wrong question and ignoring all the real answers! Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch and I’ll show you how to Establish the Kingdom of God in your life!

  • 3. Entering Into the Secret Place

    16/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    When we connect to God as Father the all-consuming sense of love and acceptance whisks us into our secret place where we truly commune with God through the Lord Jesus. In this place the Name of God is more than a title, it is an expression of God’s character and commitment; it is an expression of power and grace! When we enter the secret place we leave the realm of this world and enter into eternity where all the promises of God are now! We take on a new reality: God’s reality! Join me this week and discover the secret to Entering the Secret Place.

  • 2. Knowing God as Father

    09/06/2016 Duração: 26min

    Knowing God as Father is essential to a life of prayer. Unfortunately we tend to use the word Father with little realization of what it means in our lives. If God is our Father and we are His children and heirs, then everything about our approach to God changes! As heirs we already know that all He has is ours. This is the end of questioning, pleading, or seeking to determine if God is willing. This is the very reason Jesus taught us to connect to God as Father before we deal with any of our needs. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch and discover the freedom of Knowing God as Father.

  • 1. Effective, Fervent Prayer

    02/06/2016 Duração: 27min

    Struggling to have a prayer life? It seems that the majority of believers struggle to have a meaningful prayer life! Everyone wants to connect with God, but religion has made it so complicated, mystical, and legalistic that it is nearly impossible to have a loving, faith-filled, and vibrant prayer life. But no more! Starting this week I will help you move into New Covenant prayer based on the finished work of Jesus. No more legalism, no more toiling… just praying and getting results! Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch for Effective, Fervent Prayer!

  • 4. Faith in the Heart

    26/05/2016 Duração: 26min

    Of all the truth religion leaves out, omitting the truth about the heart may be the most destructive. Until faith is alive in our heart it’s only intellectualism. Nothing with God is real if our heart isn’t involved. When faith in the heart isn’t involved godliness turns to works righteousness, truth turns into the doctrine of men, and love becomes selfish manipulation! Everything in our walk with God loses its foundation of power in our lives until it’s embraced with faith in the heart. Yet, when the heart is involved we open the door to the eternal and we connect with God on a level that can’t be intellectually grasped. Faith in the heart moves us to immovable, miracle-working, mountain-moving faith. This week in Impact CyberChurch I want to introduce you to the secret of Faith in the Heart; it will change the way you walk with God!

  • 3. Faith and Patience

    19/05/2016 Duração: 27min

    Perfect faith is what we all long for. It’s the kind of faith that believes and remains immovable until it actually sees the manifestation. Perfect faith has many undergirding components, and the very first is patience. Patience is the ability to endure. When taken within the context of its use in Scripture it’s the ability to endure under pressure without wavering. Pressure is what causes us to waver: When wavering we have moments of complete trust in God and then we move to questioning or even fear. The Scripture is very clear that a person who “wavers” lacks the capacity to “take hold of” that for which they believe. This week in Impact CyberChurch we will discover God’s incredible instructions for Moving from Dead Faith to Perfect Faith.

  • 2. The Finished Work of Jesus

    12/05/2016 Duração: 27min

    One of the greatest misunderstandings of New Covenant faith lies in the Old Covenant idea that we are attempting to believe so God will give us something instead of believing what God has already given us in Christ! So, the greatest struggle of faith isn't, “What can I get from God?” The greatest struggle of faith is, “Do I believe what I already have in Christ?” I don't need to get healed, I need to let go of the beliefs I have about trying to get healing. My so-called faith, to get anything from God, is actually a testament to my lack of belief in what was freely given at the cross. Everything we need for life and godliness was given freely at the cross. New Covenant faith believes in what we have been given, and Old Covenant faith tries to get something to be given. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch as we talk about The Finished Work of Jesus; make the shift from Old Covenant faith to New Covenant faith and start enjoying the life God has freely given.

  • 1. Faith and the Word of God

    05/05/2016 Duração: 27min

    Faith doesn’t begin by trying to believe what God will do. The beginning of faith is who God is! Religion has twisted the image of God to such a degree that people read the Bible and still can’t see the obvious truth: God is good and only good! While many seek special revelation to understand God, the true disciple looks to His Word. His Word is light, i.e. the revelation of His character and nature, His wisdom and all that we need to know to live life at its best! Join me in Impact CyberChurch this week and let’s examine Faith and the Word of God. You’re going to discover a new value and comfort in God’s Word like never before.

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