Lisa Berry

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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New Show - Light On Living Abroad with Lisa, Will Dean: Living, Investing, Retiring Made Easy - Every Monday at 2pm pacific/ 5pm eastern. A spin off of her "Light on Living" radio show... Lisa Berry is now joined by co-hosts Will Roadhouse and Dean Studebaker partners in the #1 real estate consulting company! Learn about international living and travel. Living abroad at a reasonable rate is more doable than ever! Learn how to explore what's possible in living life in a whole new way.Light On Living with Lisa Berry Friday at 9am pacific / 12pm easternLights, microphone, and action!!! Thats right were putting the spotlight on what you need and want to hear about. How to experience life in the happiest and healthiest way QUICKLY. Theres an entire cast of information and techniques running around backstage but you just want to be dazzled by hearing the stars of the show.What script are you following? Are you directing?Light on Living truly lightens the load of lifes challenges by clearing all the extras and bringing you just the winning acts that make the biggest difference. Behind the scene your host, Lisa Berry, spends her days researching, learning, and experimenting with the the leading, top notch topics involving everything healthy." She then casts and brings you only the stars as she puts the spotlight on what she knows will improve your life the fastest.**Whats very different about this show is YOU are always MORE than just the audience. You will get to VOTE on your favourite show every month so Lisa can take it to the next level and bring you an extended version. A class will be created based on the winning show from your votes and you can go deeper to get bigger results.How you perform in life stems from how well your mind and body perform inside. To hear about nutrition, body mechanics, mindset techniques, mood enhancers, wealth and abundance vibrations.More About Lisa - Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy and fulfilled while standing confidently and strongly rooted in their personal power.Turning up the natural light of hundreds of clients by helping them move through inspiration, motivation, and creation, Lisa fulfills her commitment as a Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. As a soul beaming with light and celebrating life with others, Lisa recognizes her mission to find, help and connect with those who need and want to shine. She knows that having clarity of a big dream, dissolving the blocks that stop it from becoming reality and mastering personal creation are the ways to an incredible, happy, confidant and successful life! Enthusiastically and optimistically Lisa begins each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe and create.


  • The 5 Silent Killers With NO Symptoms That Could Be Ruining Your Bliss


    The 5 Silent Killers With NO Symptoms That Could Be Ruining Your Bliss Some diseases can really creep up on you. The scariest of which have no symptoms to warn you of potential trouble before its too late. Yes, certain serious and even life-threatening conditions can be overlooked if you are not taking active charge of your health with regular medical checkups and screenings.Natural health expert, Dr. Christine Horner, MD, author of Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty says ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your personal health, but early detection affords you the unique opportunity to self-correct the potential problem without a huge expense and could quite literally save your life.Dr. Horner shares the five silent killers that have no symptoms and what you can do to protect yourself from these potentially life-threatening health conditions. All prevention tips discussed can be found in her award-winning book, Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty.Dr. Christine Horner, MD, is an award-winning author and leading exp

  • Why We Aren’t Getting What We Want?


    He says positive affirmations dont work. He tells us that visualizing wont get us squat. He tells us that if we happen to get what we want, then its a miracle. But with his 10th best selling book out and his 4 decades of world wide coaching he tells us The true secret of living a life we love and he gives us the first 3 steps on todays show. David Essel is back to continue his goal of helping 2 million people every single day and you are invited to be one of them. Join us and get started living that life you know you want.

  • Is Health and Happiness In Your Cards?


    Maybe you feel like your oracle deck is stacked against you and that youre just working with a crummy hand. Sometimes we can lose sight of our value when circumstances seem to be bluffing us. Do you believe that you have the power to deal yourself again and again and that you get to create your life every turn? Join us today as a Teza Zialcita teaches us how to see how the winning hand doesnt rely on just one card alone but how we play them all together.

  • Are You a Savvy Sister?


    Ok lets begin by defining Savvy. Practical knowledge and the ability to make good judgements Who else to do this than a sister , aka A built in best friend. We need every day good advice, tips, things to make our lives easier but we also need the back up to make a smart, higher -self choice and judgement thats where a sister comes in. Its time we acknowledge that our souls need nurturing as much as our bodies do, and Alena Chapman has been called to play this role for so many. Known as The Soul Nuturer because she guides people to that divine inner self, hearing its whisper, and nudges you to begin living your true meaning in life. Please join me as I share this time with Alena Chapman creator of Savvy Sisterhood and keynote speaker at the 2018s One Soul Expo. Get ready to embrace all you have, all you are, and step Into your own role of Savvy Sisterhood.

  • Bridging the Gap Between Business and Spirituality


    How do Light Workers get passed the statement I cant charge for helping others. How do Healers package and brand their gift? And how do we bring soul into business? Abby Aguilera, creator of One Soul Expo is about to share a few of her critical steps in bridging spirituality with business.As we unite and connect, partnerships and opportunities become plenty and effortless. Today well hear how Abby prevents energetic exhaustion from containing sooo much energy as she creates events and expos. Please join us as we take a peak at how to create a future filled with spiritual based business success, abundance and love.

  • Seeing is Understanding, Feeling is Connecting!


    Third eye and Crown chakra take the spotlight on the menu for todays Food For The Souls dish. Bringing all chakras into alignment the third eye allows us to see the energy patterns in our life and gives us insight and intuition. Our Crown connects and gives us access to higher states of consciousness. A magical way to deliver nutrients of love to the universe.Youre invited to join us at our table. come, eat, nourish and enjoy.Bon appetite!

  • Re-Claim Your Happiness


    Do you feel it ? Its in your heart, its innately who we are . Who we are is happiness. When were not happy we are a conditioned self. When weve forgotten , weve lost, or weve separated from self we cannot stand in our happiness, who we are. Align, reclaim and exist in your happiness. Joy is what you feel, happy is who you are!Join Vita Rubino and I today as we explore Happiness. Learn how breath work can reconnect us to our hearts and remove us from a physical experience, especially those painful ones. Simply listening to this show will open and expand your heart, lift your vibration , and support you in experiencing joy. I AM happy.

  • Marketing Your Message Through Media


    You want to be heard! You want to help people and you want to be known so you can be trusted and you need to get your message out there! But how the heck do you do that in this loud, busy, and over crowded space? From big stages to popular shows to top podcasts you need to get on all of these to reach more people. I have top publicist Joanne McCall joining me to share what shes done to land her clients on top tier national media outlets! In front of and connected to the right people. Learn what can also STOP you from getting successful media coverage and becoming famous. Its time for your media breakthrough!

  • What Will They Say About You When You’re Gone?: Creating a Life of Legacy


    20 years to build a reputation, just 5 minutes to ruin it! We share this hour with a special guest, Rabbi Daniel Cohen. Author of What Will They Say About You When Youre Gone? Creating a Life of Legacy.How would you like to know his 7-step Process for Reverse Engineering your life, principles to create a life we can be proud of?Well also hear how to:~ Create your own Life Legacy Plan, which sounds formal but its really just a fun way to think about your place in the world now and later.~ How to lead your life with a sense of urgency!!!~ How to overcome negativity and inspire others~ 6 Ways to be your best self~ 4 Ways to help your children and your grandchildren find their way~ Mastering the 20/5 formula~ How to make courageous decisions~ Rabbi Cohens personal story, which is powerful.~ The number one problem Rabbi Cohen sees families dealing with on a daily basis (and how to change it for the better.)

  • I Heart You Loud And Clear


    Do you sometimes get chocked up? Or maybe you explode? Maybe you do both and dont have a clue how youll express yourself the next time you want to say something. Sometimes it can be just as hard to have someone else hear us loudly and clearly and understand us with their hearts as it is for ourselves when were struggling with how to get it outor how to filter and deliver with love.How do we express what were feeling? How do we connect to another? What language is truly universal?Join Pamela Larocque and Lisa Berry on Food For The Soul by Light On Living as they explore how to fully express as an energetic being. Learn the roles of the heart and throat chakra, how they talk and what to feed these beautiful energy centers so they are fully charged and ready to be heard loud and clear!

  • Encore: Setting up a new life - Preserve wealth in a sustainable way!


    Join Lisa Berry in this premiere show! A spin off of her "Light on Living" radio show... Lisa is now joined by co-hosts Will Roadhouse and Dean Studebaker partners in the #1 realistate consulting company! Learn about international living and travel. Living abroad at a reasonable rate is more doable than ever! Learn how to explore what's possible in living life in a whole new way.

  • Meditation and… Broccoli?


    Would you like to hear some deep insight and advice from a Doctor on how to increase your good health, lose weight and live a more conscious, fulfilling life by blending plant-based eating and Buddhist psychology?? When you change your eating, its not just your eating that will change, saysCassandra Ohlsen, MD, author of the recently released book, Enlightened Eating: The Eightfold Path to Health.Nutrition science is confusing and the hefty advertising budgets of the food industry can derail people. The incredible number and range of studies and science about food and diet is sometimes contradictory. People eat for countless reasons, including stress relief, to relieve fatigue, to comfort themselves, to accompany the alcohol they drink, to please others, to be included in family gatherings and social situations, to celebrate their heritageseldom is it simply for health.On todays show though Dr. Ohlsen offers a guide that is all about navigating this path and you dont have to be a Buddhist to receive the benef

  • Manifesting Your Highest Self


    You Are the Creator of Your Life! Our human species needs to wake up from the illusion of our creation. We are at the peak moment of the evolution of our consciousness. We are all responsible for our transition towards ascension. We cannot stay here and remain blinded to all the challenges and difficulties our collective consciousness creates.We are a part of the bigger picture!!!Teza Zialcita shares her insight as an Akashic Records Teacher, healer, mystic and best selling author of Ions Of Manifestation.Simple steps to create your hearts desire and your souls purpose.Everything is a mirror of who we are. We are the magnet of what we attract. The key is learning how to attract what we want and letting go of what we dont want.She has been honoured to hold the position as one of the TOP 25 Psychics and Intuitives in Vancouver BC in 2017.She travels and teaches people from around the world to access their Akashic Records and create the life that supports our highest self. Through understanding contraction and a

  • Achieving Greatness As An Entrepreneur


    What does achieving greatness mean? How do we even measure it and does every entrepreneur face the same struggles to get there? Is a TRANSFORMATION necessary in your life to achieve greatness? How will you get there? Today we share our time with Nader Eid, an entrepreneur who did just that transform! He certainly hasnt completed his transformation but he shares some of the key steps that were involved on his success journey that were necessary. From being in the most vulnerable state and asking for help to learning how to navigate through trial and error. We dive deep and talk about how one finds the space to trust, and the value of having a mentor. Most importantly we highlight the critical action step of showing up and Nader shares how doing just that changed, transformed, his life and can do the same for you. Natter Eid, an entrepreneur, with quite a story! Everything from finances to fitness to freedom of speech! I got to meet Nader because hes an emcee, how cool is that (MoMondays Oshawa) getting to intr

  • Food For The Soul


    Today we continue learning about the chakras and how to feed them on all levels. From energy to elements and foods to fun. Pamela embraces the sacral chakra as Lisa relates to the solar plexus chakra. Two chakras with very intense energies. Like a beautiful sunsetthe color orange and yellow take the spotlight on todays horizon.Your relationship with self , I Feel and your relationship with others I Can.Join us to find out if youre balanced or struggling to keep balance. Learn how to regain a grounded, healthy , and strong energy flow through these two chakras.

  • My Little Black Book


    A peak into what inspires, comforts, humours, educates and motivates ME as I offer this open book experience of my iPhone screen shots and saved memes that have been a part of making my life better. We all have rough times, we all crash, we all find something to celebrate and we all share a vision with at least 1 other.I want to share with all of you what kept me positive after failed business relationships , scarlet fever, lost loves, deep mourning, health challenges, and broken dreams. I want to share what supported me through transition and transformation. I want to give you the feeling of unity and love that I felt through my doubt, pain, sadness and loneliness.So please join me on todays show as I share my personal little black book of quotes, sayings, and memes that, I hope will, give you the vibration you need to love and accept where you are right now and know that its perfect.

  • The Blind Spot In The Bathroom Mirror


    To be witnessed, observed and seen. Being in the spotlight can actually be terrifying for some while for others, they crave and need it.What about us makes us comfortable to be seen, and how much does self worth and judgement play a role?To be witnessed feels more like an honour, perhaps even a soul request for partnership and support. Are you someone who feels drawn to be witnessed ? If so, can this be a role taken too far and become one of dependency?Is it ok to just want to be in the shadows ? What times in your life do you feel this way ? Perhaps whilst youre learning , growing, or even simply recovering and repairing?Today I share a story of the most important witness in my life. My hopes is that this episode will help you to identify when its safe for you to be observed, witness, or seen and how that will support your spiritual growth and soul evolution.

  • An Invitation To Awaken To Your True Nature​ And Reveal The Divine Within


    Where most teenagers are worrying about wearing the right lip color, or following the right YouTube star, Courtney Amundson is only worried about whether the messages she is astonishingly being delivered from the Divine are reaching enough people. Because Courtney was a mere 16 when she began following in the footsteps of Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce, and JZ Knight as an extraordinary powerful channeller.Join author of Teachings From God greeting your soul and revealing the divine within, Courtney Amundson as she shares the messages shes received from the most beautiful spirit voice.

  • Preparing A Meal For The Woman’s Soul - On International Women’s Day


    Now this takes a special kind of chef! One who understands and can interpret what foods and nourishment will fulfil and satisfy all areas in a womans life. Join Pamela Larocque and Lisa Berry as they explore all kinds of foods for the soul. From chakras and their colours to, the movements our bodies need to healthy thoughts and sensitive words that swirl around our minds. You are invited to our table as we enjoy and celebrate what it is to be a woman and enjoy strength, love and unity while experiencing the best health ever!!!

  • The Better Way Formula - Principles for Success with Robert J. Moore


    Need A Lift? Let us pick you up. Get ready to experience true transformation into living life a better way! Theres noooo way that after hearing todays show you wont want to simply fly!!! This story is sooo inspiring , soo uplifting, soo powerful and yet its soo personal. Everyone will find a way to relate and watch out for those heart strings because todays show is a puller! My guest, Robert J. Moore, is an author, a Therapist, an International Speaker and a Life Coach that has impacted the lives of many through the work associated with his International Award Winning Best-Selling book, From Rock Bottom to Success The Better Way Formula Principles for Success. This success story has impacted the lives of over 30,000 people through an emotional tale that has provided insights on how to determine ones worth, and create a life worthy of joy and success. Roberts been interviewed by magazines from around the world, national TV programs, radio shows, and has also been invited to speak on world class stages in loc

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