Lisa Berry

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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New Show - Light On Living Abroad with Lisa, Will Dean: Living, Investing, Retiring Made Easy - Every Monday at 2pm pacific/ 5pm eastern. A spin off of her "Light on Living" radio show... Lisa Berry is now joined by co-hosts Will Roadhouse and Dean Studebaker partners in the #1 real estate consulting company! Learn about international living and travel. Living abroad at a reasonable rate is more doable than ever! Learn how to explore what's possible in living life in a whole new way.Light On Living with Lisa Berry Friday at 9am pacific / 12pm easternLights, microphone, and action!!! Thats right were putting the spotlight on what you need and want to hear about. How to experience life in the happiest and healthiest way QUICKLY. Theres an entire cast of information and techniques running around backstage but you just want to be dazzled by hearing the stars of the show.What script are you following? Are you directing?Light on Living truly lightens the load of lifes challenges by clearing all the extras and bringing you just the winning acts that make the biggest difference. Behind the scene your host, Lisa Berry, spends her days researching, learning, and experimenting with the the leading, top notch topics involving everything healthy." She then casts and brings you only the stars as she puts the spotlight on what she knows will improve your life the fastest.**Whats very different about this show is YOU are always MORE than just the audience. You will get to VOTE on your favourite show every month so Lisa can take it to the next level and bring you an extended version. A class will be created based on the winning show from your votes and you can go deeper to get bigger results.How you perform in life stems from how well your mind and body perform inside. To hear about nutrition, body mechanics, mindset techniques, mood enhancers, wealth and abundance vibrations.More About Lisa - Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy and fulfilled while standing confidently and strongly rooted in their personal power.Turning up the natural light of hundreds of clients by helping them move through inspiration, motivation, and creation, Lisa fulfills her commitment as a Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Nutritionist. As a soul beaming with light and celebrating life with others, Lisa recognizes her mission to find, help and connect with those who need and want to shine. She knows that having clarity of a big dream, dissolving the blocks that stop it from becoming reality and mastering personal creation are the ways to an incredible, happy, confidant and successful life! Enthusiastically and optimistically Lisa begins each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe and create.


  • How Long Does Healing Take?


    Do you believe theres a specific time for healing? Getting over a heartbreak,Grieving over a loss?Healing from an injury or getting over an illness?Regaining your ground after a financial ruin?How about even regret? Do you hold a belief or an expectation of how long or how much you should be in those painful spaces. What if I told you that raising the vibration to consciously affect matter can wipe time out of the equation and bring about healing in a surprising way and speed? Join me as I speak with Richard Gordon all about Quantum Touch. The simple healing process that ANYONE can do. The truth is we dont know what it doesnt work for. Richard Gordon, author of Quantum Touch, Your Healing Hands, and The Secret Nature Of Matter, and creator of the Quantum Touch pendant is a recognized pioneer in the field of energy healing, an internationally acclaimed speaker and workshop leader. His work is now being practiced, by thousands of people, in over 50 countries around the world. Todays show is all about energy hea

  • The Most Powerful Fuel For Your Soul


    Its the reason you want things, do things and need things. MOTIVATION is your souls fuel.How do we get it?Where does it come from?What blocks, stops or hinders motivation?How big of a role does fear play?Well I have PERFECT man here to discuss every aspect of motivation with us. David Esssel is with me for the SECOND time and he is seriously just taking over FB with his amazing questions and mini coaching sessions all on motivation!!! Join the show to hear David Essel, author of 9 books,radio and TV host, inspirational speaker, success coach, addiction recovery coach ,and coach trainer as he gives explanations, tips, and stories to help us all increase our motivation no matter what our story is.

  • Lisa and Will discuss living in Bangkok, Thailand


    Lisa Berry and Will Roadhouse discuss living opportunities in Bangkok, Thailand.

  • 20 Seconds Changed Everything


    What if you found your voice, the one youve been searching for to live your authentic life, but you found it on the other side? Imagine in 20 seconds of crossing over the light was shone on your purpose, your mission and gave you the courage to come back and live the life that a second chance had granted. Now imagine that your great mission, with your voice, was to reveal to all humans that there was not just something dangerous, killing millions of people every year but that with your new found, powerful and compassionate voice you could help mankind prevent, protect and save lives. And finally, with the full circle of true reciprocity, you could use that dedicated voice of yours and teach others how to find their voice, without having to go to the other side. Best selling author, Robert Tremblay of Twenty-Seconds, joins us today to share his extraordinary road from near death to healing after two terminal diagnoses, including a journey through Hospice and a near death experience that changed everything at e

  • Making Love Greater Than Our Pain


    Any desire that disturbs our peace of mind is a test showing us the week link in our consciousness where we need to pour in more love. Jennie Lee, joins us today from Hawaii, as she teaches us how to breath love. With the pairing of Yoga and meditation Jennie Lee shows how its possible to be relieved of external seeking, how to make Love greater than our Pain, and how to keep our hearts open even after being wounded. Learn to hear, acknowledge and feel the deep longings of your soul; freedom wisdom security creativity joy beauty power and love. Jennie Lee will touch on some of the meditations in her upcoming book Breathing Love Meditation In Action.

  • Spiritual and Broke with Jennifer Noel Taylor


    Spiritual and Broke with Jennifer Noel Taylor How to painlessly transform your finances without feeling deprived or denying yourself the luxuries in life. Revealing a truth, being vulnerable and getting honest so that you can live not just authentically but financially effortlessly happy. Money and the real capacity to buy, to obtain, and to manage materialistic things and experiences have a vibration, they have an energy to them that can exist with being spiritual but only if we can align ourselves with money and what it means TO and FOR us. Today we have an authentic, a spectacular and what I perceive as a brave woman and author, Jennifer Noel Taylor, to share with us a hardcore get real story about being in debt of over $135k dollars and struggling financially, choosing not to acknowledging it until after her aha moment in the back of a police car! Jennifer, who is releasing her 2nd book called Spiritual And Broke is about to share with us how that all came about and how she aligned herself with money and

  • The More Becomes Less


    Beauty, calm, peace, and help is here as we share the time with Korrine Holt, an artist, a poet and a spiritual teacher teaching us how to let love lead. Merging her experiences as a professional artist, healer, writer, and coach, Korrines refined intuition makes her a strong ally with the call of ones Soul. This translates to helping people gain clarity with the things that matter most along their journeys. Korrine has created Poetry with Benefits, high-vibe-mini-films that are a unique blend of conscious verses, visuals, and music that set the tone for deep meditation. This positive media invites viewers to experience the healing power of Love through beauty, color, harmony, and Pure Presence . They are offered as a bridgea gateway into ones heart, where healing, rejuvenation, and inspiration support ones deepest desires to be lived. Join us as we connect with Korrine and awaken to L.O.V.E. Limitless Organizing Vital Essence.

  • How to Self-Sabotage Less


    How to Self-Sabotage Less A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. Mark Twain How much of a role do you think self esteem and self acceptance play in the ways we self sabotage? Our beliefs of who we are and our value begin at such a young age that we may not realize when we actually starting forming an opinion of ourselves. During todays show I share the story of how I came to truly love and get to know myself and a very unique way that my mom helped to teach me. Learn about the technique that I will share from my chapter the blind spot in the bathroom mirror and find out how to self sabotage less, love more and be lighter.

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