Father and Joe is a podcast series of a continuing conversation about my struggles and successes of being close to God. Father Boniface provides spiritual direction through my problems of daily life. According to statistics, I share the common American's church habits. -We went to church when we were forced to but somewhere along the way, I drifted away. The ultimate goal of this podcast is to help us get back to church, regardless of what faith you hold, and create a stronger union with God.
Father and Joe E36: When to Get Involved
21/11/2017 Duração: 29minPontius Pilate is a starting point of today’s conversation. Pilate has a decision of when and how to get involved. What does God tell us to do? How do we know? Father gives us historical context on Pilate. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe This podcast is to bring you closer to the Holy Spirit and his Church.
Father and Joe E35: Mortal Sin – Sexual Sins
14/11/2017 Duração: 29minMortal Sins damage our relationships with God. This episode is a deeper dive into the conversation of Mortal Sin. We touch upon a wide an array of areas and what we and society does. Father gives us great advise and perspective on the topic. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E34: Importance of the Sacraments
07/11/2017 Duração: 31minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about importance of the sacraments. We begin by having a conversation about what Father and I did while we were away. Then having just received the sacrament. We discuss the importance of all of the sacraments. We end the episode by exploring the concept of mortal sins. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe Spiritual Growth, Church, God, Help, Real Life, Conversation, Jesus, Teaching, Self-Improvement, Sacraments. Mortal Sin. Peace
Father and Joe E33: Stress
03/10/2017 Duração: 26minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about stress. Why do we get stressed? How do we use stress for positive outcomes? Being stressed is not an moral barometer. Father gives the answer of how to less stress in our lives which allows us to embrace peace. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E32: Apologies
26/09/2017 Duração: 28minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about what an apology is. How should we apologize? It seems like a basic question, in this cast we explore it because of how crucial it is in our lives and most of society does it wrong. We begin the cast discussing the apologies we have with other people, and then we transition to how to apologies to God. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E31: Listening to God
19/09/2017 Duração: 28minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about how to listen to God. This topic took to a number of questions and observations -Do not be attached to material things; How to create a well formed conscience? Is there an ideal way to interact with each other? What should we strive for in relationships? Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E30: How to Pray as a Family
12/09/2017 Duração: 29minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about how to pray as a family. Father teaches us about the four movements of prayer – ACTS. We use the Gloria from mass as an example in the conversation. We conclude the cast with a conversation about how to make prayer more solemn. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe Spiritual Growth, Church, God, Help, Real Life, Conversation, Jesus, Teaching, Self-Improvement, Pray, Holiness, Solemnness
Father and Joe E29: Confession
05/09/2017 Duração: 28minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about the sacrament of Confession. We walk through the sacrament as step by step process. Some of us have not been to confession in a while and we took this opportunity to provider a refresher session on how to receive the sacrament. Should we go face to face or behind the screen? What is the order of operations? Why do we get asked how long as it been? What should we confess? Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E28: Sin
29/08/2017 Duração: 26minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about sin. Today we discuss sin as adults. What is sin? We discuss a number of examples of situations and are the sinful. A central theme becomes the seven deadly sins. Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E27: Christian Sects
22/08/2017 Duração: 23minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation, from the Roman Catholic perspective, of various Christian sects. What are the things that make us different? What is similar? Does it matter? Thank you for listening. Also you can find is on twitter @FatherAndJoe
Father and Joe E26: Political Correctness and the Secular Religion
15/08/2017 Duração: 25minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about God in the workplace. Society has push to force Christianity out of everything and is filling the void with a secular religion. We also delve into some examples of our experiences with this in our lives. What is morally objectable, and how do we deal with that? Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E25: Money and Holiness
08/08/2017 Duração: 28minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about money. We discuss the importance and freedom that comes from savings. We continue a conversation about who can be Holy? How is it possible to be Holy? Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E24: Technology’s Impact on Our Communication
01/08/2017 Duração: 31minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about how modern forms of media are impacting our communication with each other. Social media is not going away Father gives many suggestions upon how to grow in our relations, given the modern technology. Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E23: God’s Presence in a Divorce
25/07/2017 Duração: 29minWelcome. In this episode we have a conversation about divorce. What should we do when couples around us separate? How should we help children? What do you do when the parents are wrong? Today's episode is practical on the ground answers dealing with a real example. Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E22: What should we be counter-cultural against?
18/07/2017 Duração: 29minWelcome. In this episode we ask the question, how do we know prayer is working? How do Saints get it right? What should we be counter-cultural against? These questions guide our conversation into a number of topics ranging the creation of the universe to the economy to environmental changes. Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E21: How to become a better Priest
11/07/2017 Duração: 29minWho are good candidates to enter the priesthood? Why do priests need to be men? How do you discern when you are being called by God? Father draws parallels of becoming a priest and becoming married. How do you hold someone accountable for ongoing growth? Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E20: Why is Father in Rome?
06/07/2017 Duração: 30minFather is in Rome to learn how to make better priests. We begin a conversation on the process of how to become a priest. What will the man go through to become a priest? What is the training like to become a priest? How to be a Saint, why is it important? Thank you for listening.
Father and Joe E19: Preparation for Marriage
27/06/2017 Duração: 22minAs a follow up to last episode about marriage, Father asks me the questions Church asks every couple in preparation of marriage. Father teaches what is asked by the Church and they ask it. We discuss the importance of learning natural family planning. We thank you for listening. If you would like to reach out to us our email is
Father and Joe E18: The Sacrament of Marriage
21/06/2017 Duração: 29minIn this episode Father and I discuss marriage. Why is marriage a sacrament, what does that mean? How do the sacraments help us make and hold commitments? What is the importance of sex in marriage? Father also, gives us an analogy of communion and marriage. We discuss Saint Joseph and Virgin Mary, as an example of marriage. We conclude the episode by discussing how to prepare for marriage.
Father and Joe E17: Eucharistic Adoration
13/06/2017 Duração: 20minEucharistic adoration is the Catholic practice of sitting with Jesus in an intimate space. In this podcast, we discuss the practice of Eucharistic adoration. How should we prepare for it? Why is it important? How does it make a difference in our day to day lives?