Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 84:17:00
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Lois J Wetzel is the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies" available on Amazon/Kindle and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" as well as "Sacred Journeys & Vision Quests." In doing this show, Lois' intent is to create a FREE LIBRARY of spiritual information for all Seekers on the Path, who are guided here. Feel free to browse the archives and find what resonates with you! Sometimes Lois will be the one teaching, more often, it will be others telling what they know and/or what they do. Following guidance, Lois has been hosting this radio show since May of 2009.Lois does Intuitive Consultations and Past Life Readings/Life Mission Readings from the Akashic Records in addition to writing her books. With over twenty-five years' experience in this field, she has been published in numerous magazines in addition to the books mentioned above.Lois works with clients all over the globe. She would be happy to work with you as well! lois (at) hotpinklotus.comWebsite: Hot Pink Lotus.comEDINA Healing Temple.com


  • Summer Bacon on Hierarchies: Dr. Peebles' thoughts on this!

    09/03/2012 Duração: 01h05min

    SummerBacon.com I am delighted to announce that the lovely Summer Bacon, world-known trance medium, will be talking with me again. She will be discussing with me the concept of hierarchies, spiritual and otherwise, how people and institutions trip over them, and Dr. Peebles' take on Hierarchies. Here is what Summer has to say: "My mission is not to prove the existence of God and Spirit to anyone, but rather to help demystify mysticism inorder to empower people to create their own relationship with God and Spirit.  I enjoy teaching with humor and compassion, as one who has "been there, done that." And through me, Dr. Peebles has helped thousands of people find peace and purpose, no matter their life circumstances." Dr. Peebles is a being whom Summer channels.  He was alive on Earth for 99.9 years, and was a Civil War surgeon, a naturopath, and later a medical doctor.  He ascended post-mortem, and comes back to speak to humanity through Summer. Summer channels before crowds in excess of a humdred people eac

  • EDINA Energy Medicine from the Stars!

    17/02/2012 Duração: 01h02min

    www.edinahealingtemple.com Here is a link to the book on Kindle: EDINA Kindle Today I (Lois Wetzel) will be talking about the revolutionary form of energy medicine for ascension I have been asked by Starbeings from Sirius-B to bring to the planet. These Beings are 12-Dimensional, and they are The Ankenash, Healing Corps of the Ashtar Command, Sirius-B.  The healing technique is called EDINA. This is an acronym for Energy Dynamics for the Integration of Natural Attributes. EDINA works directly on the LIGHTBODY! I have been teaching this since August 2007 and there are now initiates every continent except the Antarctic.  There are also several instructors. You can experience this modality at a distance, and even learn it at a distance. (Hooray for computers, eh?) Here is a link to the book on Kindle: EDINA Kindle

  • Summer Bacon Trance Medium and Dr Peebles

    10/02/2012 Duração: 01h01min

      Summer Bacon is a trance medium who channels departed loved ones as well as the world famous Dr. Peebles.  Summer says, "Every month in Sedona, AZ, I stand in front of nearly 100 people to talk about how, even in a world filled with turmoil, they can live a balanced life, and life has purpose and meaning, no matter how "bad" things get. I often speak as one who has "been there, done that." For instance, I am a college educated woman (UCLA) who has been married four times, suffered a decade of spousal abuse, raised two daughters, and is among the many who lost their homes and filed bankruptcy in the last year. But, I'm still standing, and have the joyful opportunity to teach what I have learned along the way. I believe that our universe was not only created by a higher intelligence, but is a playground of opportunity where the learning never ends, and we are all energetically connected as one family... ...My story is not ordinary. I have had out of body experiences, close physical encounters with ETs, two

  • Bosnian Pyramids ~ Semir Osmanagic ~ UPDATE on the Digs

    07/02/2012 Duração: 01h01min

    Bosnian Pyramid Website... Dr. Semir Osmanagic, the discoverer of the first pyramids in Europe will be my guest again tonight. Our last radio interview was May of 2010. I personally visited the pyramid complex last August, and will be very excited to hear what has been uncovered by him and his archaeological team since I left. Dr. Osmanagic teaches archaeology at American University in Sarajevo and also continues his excavation of the pyramid complex in Visoko, which is about an hour drive from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.  After thousands of years of soil build-up and plant growth, all pyramids look like hills, and you can see this easily in Mexico's Yucatan region.  Dr. Osmanagic has a PhD in Mayan Studies.   The clue that makes it clear you have found a pyramid is when the "hill" has four equal triangular faces, and they are perfrectly aligned to the cardinal points on the compass. He has founded a non-profit which hosts volunteers each summer to help with the excavation. Scientists also come from all

  • What's Up for 2012?

    06/01/2012 Duração: 45min

    Today we will be talkiing about what the coming year may hold for us, and what we can do to prepare for this year which has been heralded in ancient texts for thousands of years.  Many viewpoints will be discussed.

  • Following Guidance

    16/12/2011 Duração: 46min

    How do we follow guidance?  How do we tell the difference between the thoughts in our heads and "guidance?" Where does guidance come from? This will be my jumping off point today.  No telling where that will take us, though.

  • Your Thoughts Are Things.

    18/11/2011 Duração: 31min

    Today we will be talking about parallel universes, thoughts manifesting, and how expectations become reality. Your thoughts are things. 

  • 11/11/11 What Does It Signify?

    11/11/2011 Duração: 30min

    Today I will be talking with you about the significance of today's date. We will discuss the numerology a bit as well as the energies coming onto the planet today.  We'll talk about the celebrations going on around the planet, and how you can participate in this event even if you are "home alone."  

  • Barbara Schiffman on Creativity and the Akashic Records

    30/09/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Come join me as I talk with Barbara Schiffman on techniques she uses and teaches to others--ways of using the Akashic Records you may not have considered before: writing, dreams, ancestral cleaning, healing and more. About herself Barbara says,  "I've balanced careers in personal/spiritual development and the entertainment industry for over four decades. In addition to being a veteran Hollywood script consultant, I’m a Certified Akashic Records Teacher and Advanced Practitioner, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Life&Soul Coach. I'm also currently in training with futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard as an ACE (Agent of Conscious Evolution!). My writing, spiritual counseling and coaching work are designed to inspire new ways of expanding people’s lives and evolving their Souls by boosting their own positive energy. To this end, I use inner tools like hypnosis, NLP, therapeutic imagery and Akashic Records guidance.  I also blend innovative life balance and breakthrough coaching processes with insights and lesso

  • The Coming Shift and Immortality

    16/09/2011 Duração: 47min

    One of the things I believe we may come to realize as a result of the coming shift which is pointed to by the "end" of the Mayan Calendar is our remembering many things that we forgot as a race of beings after "The Fall."  It was a fall in consciousness, among other things, and one of the things we forgot is how to extend our lifetime.  What if ascension is simply living in this body indefinitely by purifying it and raising the frequency until it is vibrating at the same frequency as our own energy body, or Light Body? I suspect this may be true. I recently read a book called "Breaking the Death Habit," by Leonard Orr, the founder of Rebirthing.  In it he details some of the ways we can purify our physical form to extend life, possibly indefinitely. (One of those things is becoming aware of the energy body, and the other is healing past life trauma!) He found out what these techniques are by interviewing eight people who were over 300 years old each.  He also tells us where they are, and how to find them.  M

  • Talking About Past Lives and the Akashic Record

    09/09/2011 Duração: 45min

    Today Lois will be talking about what kinds of things can be healed by knowing about our own past lives. She will be talking about the Akashic Records and reading from her book, "Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives." This is now available on Amazon and Kindle.

  • Joan Walker - The Current Changes; Our Cosmic Moment!

    02/09/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Today I will be talking with channel Joan Walker who brings messages from The Ascended Master Kuthumi and from The Archangel Gabriel.  We will be talking about the significance of the times we are in and the changes which are upon us. It promises to be a most fascinating talk as usual!

  • Discussing my trip to England and Europe!

    26/08/2011 Duração: 46min

    As many of you know, I recently went to England to see crop circles and Bosnia to experience the pyramids that were discovered there in 2005.  I will be talking today about some of the highlights of that experience. To read about this experience http://www.hotpinklotus.blogspot.com To find my book, "Akashic Records: Case Studies" on Amazon/Kindle, go here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Akashic+Records+Case+Studies&x=0&y=0

  • Dealing with Karma/Past Life Stuff Lately?

    29/07/2011 Duração: 01h05min

    It seems to me that a lot of people are dealing with issues surrounding past lives lately.  I am one of them. The time is ripe to get as much of it balanced as possible, for if Dr. Carl Calleman is right and the pivotal point is October 28, 2011, and not December 21, 2012, then we seriously need to get as much of it done as we can.  I do not know what, if anything, is going to happen on that pivotal day; maybe it's just the peak in some kind of giant bell curve as Kryon suggests that it is.   I have a book out on Amazon and Kindle entitled, "Akashic Records: Case Studies" which is about this very topic. With me on this day will be musician Bianca Finkler of the Nightfall Project in The Netherlands and William Herbert, organic farmer and spiritual thinker in Wallkill, New York. Also Shelby Miles will talk with us for a bit.  She has recently had a powerful experience with a seed lifetime, and has written a book about it. shelbymiles.com Please call in if you have something to contribute! And so...we will b

  • Summer Bacon - Trance Medium Talks!

    08/07/2011 Duração: 47min

    http://www.summerbacon.com - Come listen as I talk with Summer about what it is like to be a trance medium, and how she views what we are all going through at this time.   Summer says, "Every month in Sedona, AZ, I stand in front of nearly 100 people to talk about how, even in a world filled with turmoil, they can live a balanced life, and life has purpose and meaning, no matter how "bad" things get. I often speak as one who has "been there, done that." ...I believe that our universe was not only created by a higher intelligence, but is a playground of opportunity... I believe that UFOs, ETs, and angels exist, and the paranormal abounds....   My story is not ordinary. I have had out of body experiences, close physical encounters with extra terrestrials, two visitations from Jesus, ...and I have done remote viewings, ghost busting, and thousands of psychic and channeled readings for an international client base. I have also held wonderful "normal" jobs...   My mission is NOT to prove the existence of God an

  • Crop Formations - Suzanne Taylor

    01/07/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    www.cropcirclemovie.com Come listen as I talk with  Suzanne Taylor about crop formations and her film "What On Earth?" Suzanne says, "If we had definitive evidence of "contact" with another intelligence, we would have to rethink everything. What a blessing that could be, at (this) a time in human history...it behooves us to go from skepticism to curiosity about such matters. If things are bogus, nothing is lost. But, if we come out of the dark closet in which we can't see anything, there's a chance we could bring to light something invaluable. With "Signs," the movie that's brought crop circles to the fore, virtually all media coverage comes from a presumption that boys from the pub make them. This denial is especially perverse because of what the boys couldn't do, which is to make awesomely beautiful and complex designs, indicating something majestic and benign is signaling to us. Since 1989, when simple circles suddenly became parts of larger patterns, some artistic auspice has been developing a startlin

  • Authenticity - On Being REAL!

    24/06/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Come join me as I discuss authenticity with Jeanette Welch in Houston, and Carol in Dallas. This subject has come up recently in my life in a big way.  We will be talking about what it means to be completely REAL with people; to be honest from the core of your being. And we will talk about how to handle the fact that there are many people who cannot handle people who are truly authentic.

  • The Cosmic Moment

    17/06/2011 Duração: 01h04min

    Happy Cosmic Times! I am strongly feeling the energies now coming in, and it feels emotionally rough to me. What with three eclipses and the Summer Solstice all in the period of exactly one month, these energies are powerful.  Monday I went walking in the woods and almost immediately upon starting that path, I literally tripped over a coral snake. Signs and portends of cosmic transformation are all around! I now feel like I felt for a couple of months prior to the two big earthquakes (Chile and Japan). I don't know what is coming, but something is definitely on its way. I remind myself frequently that we stood in line to be here at this time!   I listened to Coast to Coast for a while recently. Graham Hancock was on. He's of the same opinion as I . We are opening to perceiving other 'dimensions' (or "densities.") UFO contact may be just such an experience. They're with us in the same space, but vibrating at different frequencies-therefore exist in different densities. I say this about densities vs d

  • Joan Walker - Energy System Maintenance

    10/06/2011 Duração: 01h00s

    During my last interview with channel Joan Walker (she channels Kuthumi and AAGabriel) we began talking about the human energy field, and the importance of maintaining its balance and hence one's health.  This was toward the end of our one hour talk, and we got about halfway through the chakras when the hour ended.  We both want to tak further about the chakras and energy field maintenance, as this is of utmost importance to our proper functioning during "the shift" Unfortunately, most people totally ignore chakra maintenance. Many believe this is baby-stuff, just for beginners.  Trust me, when Joan Walker talks about it, it is for EVERYONE.  Why? If your chakras are not functioning well, you can get really screwed-up. And Joan is a master of this subject of chakras. You would not drive a car that never had a tune-up or oil change, would you? How old is your "vehicle?" When was the last time you "serviced" your energy body?

  • The Child Mystic - Irene Blinston, PhD

    03/06/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Miracles Kept Secret Have you ever wondered what happens to kids who are able see things that no one else sees—child visionaries who see religious figures and other supernatural phenomena? These types of experiences are quite often viewed as abnormal (the visionary is crazy) or the work of the devil. In this interview, Dr. Irene Blinston will break open the lie perpetuated by science and Christian religions which has forced many people who were childhood visionaries into a lifetime of secrecy. Dr. Blinston is one of the first researchers to tread this touchy territory, spending seven years studying adults who experienced supernatural visionary events as children. During her research, Dr. Blinston discovered that people are impacted by these events, and they experience some amazing lifelong aftereffects. Dr. Blinston says there is a need to educate and train health care providers, teachers, clergy, and parents in order to help kids who are often changed by these events. If you think you may have experienced a

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