Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 84:17:00
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Lois J Wetzel is the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies" available on Amazon/Kindle and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" as well as "Sacred Journeys & Vision Quests." In doing this show, Lois' intent is to create a FREE LIBRARY of spiritual information for all Seekers on the Path, who are guided here. Feel free to browse the archives and find what resonates with you! Sometimes Lois will be the one teaching, more often, it will be others telling what they know and/or what they do. Following guidance, Lois has been hosting this radio show since May of 2009.Lois does Intuitive Consultations and Past Life Readings/Life Mission Readings from the Akashic Records in addition to writing her books. With over twenty-five years' experience in this field, she has been published in numerous magazines in addition to the books mentioned above.Lois works with clients all over the globe. She would be happy to work with you as well! lois (at) hotpinklotus.comWebsite: Hot Pink Lotus.comEDINA Healing Temple.com


  • Wise Helen Returns-"Going with the Flow"

    27/05/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Today I will be talking again with my friend and fellow mystic who lives in the Pacific Northwest, Helen B. She has been having an interesting time of it after having left the big city to move into a yurt out in the countryside.  She is having to "bob and weave" in order to adjust to major changes that were unforseen.  We are going to talk about how we sometimes have to do that in order to follow Spirit in our lives.  We have to do that even when it feels like the floor is coming out from under us.  Especially we need to do that when it feels like the floor is coming out from under us. Come have a listen!

  • Audre Gutierrez, Medical Aromatherapist

    20/05/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Come join Audre and me as we talk about medical aromatherapy and whatever flows from that.  We always have fascinating, lively conversations, since this is a topic close to my heart. In fact, anything having to do with plants and/or healing is close to my heart.  It is close to Audre's heart, too, as you might well imagine! She is, after all the owner of Shining Sun Farms in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and co-owner of an essential oils company called Wisdom of the Earth. Her website is http://www.shiningsunaromatherapy.com/

  • Summer Bacon Trance Medium for Dr Peebles

    13/05/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    www.summerbacon.com Summer is a Christian mystic. She was eleven months old when she had her first awareness of herself as a spiritual being, and consciously decided, “I’m going to find out what this truth thing is about once and for all.” She has worked in television and recording studios, and  first began channeling in 1994 as the culmination of years of seeking Dr. Peebles with her heart. She had originally met Dr. Peebles through Trance Medium, Thomas Jacobson. For three years, Dr. Peebles put Summer through rigorous channeling sessions in which she channeled departed loved ones and many others. In 1997, Dr. Peebles said that her training was over, and that she would be channeling him exclusively. She did not do this work professionally with Dr. Peebles until 1998. Today, Summer is recognized as the clearest, most authentic Trance Medium of our time. She lives and works in Arizona and channels for hundreds of people each month at special events, group sessions, private sessions, and workshops.   About D

  • Cooperation vs Competition: The New Energy Coming In!

    06/05/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Come have a listen as Lois talks with friend Carol in Dallas about one of the features of the exquisite new energy which is now coming in to the Earth plane: COOPERATION versus competition.  We are seeing this new energetic at play in our world  in a variety of ways right now, and we will be seeing more and more of it as time goes on, for this is the NEW ENERGY!  This is how we are going to survive, thrive and get things done. A sense of safety fostered by a feeling of community is just one thing that will come of this, and this will create a healthier climate for all living beings.

  • Joan Walker - How to Remain in Peace

    15/04/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    During these exciting yet challenging times, how do we remain in Peace?  How do we exude the frequency that radiates out to others with the energy that manifests what we want on this New Eden of a planet which we are creating at this critical juncture of time/space?  Fear manifests what we do not want.  How do we remember to focus on what we want to manifest and not slip into fear, which sends out the frequency of what we do not want? Come listen as Joan Walker, internationally renowned channel for the Ascended Master Kuthumi, gives us some pointers, tips and tools on how to do just that.

  • Ingrid Naiman on herbs for help with radiation exposure

    08/04/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Today I have the honor of speaking with Dr. Ingrid Naiman, world class herbologist, who has more blogs and websites for educational purposes than you can imagine!  http://www.kitchendoctor.com/ http://www.sacred-medicine.org/ www.zerorads.com She will talk with us today about which herbs can be used to help the body fight radiation exposure.  In the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan and the failure of the Fukushima nuclear power plants, there is an above average interest in herbs like this.  So come have a listen as Ingrid and I talk about these herbs and whatever comes up in the course of our conversation.

  • Music Today!

    01/04/2011 Duração: 31min

    We will be listening to music today.

  • "Manifestation" with Wise Helen and Friends

    18/03/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Last week the wise Helen Buzenberg was one of the "extraordinary, ordinary people" whom I interviewed about how they came to be on the spiritual path. She suggested we might want to do a show on manifestation, so we decided to do that the following week. Helen says she has had some really interesting, powerful experiences with manifestation. Also, Helen wanted to invite her friend, Kathy Baxter, to talk with us as well. Both live in the Pacific Northwest. This should be good fun, and educational, too! Please do join us.

  • The Unfolding Spiritual Path

    11/03/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    I will be interviewing several extraordinary, ordinary people today on how they came to be on a spiritual path, and what they are doing to help others find their way. Please call in if you have a personal story to tell along these lines. Come have a listen!

  • Becky sponsors Lee Carroll "KRYON" in Atlanta!

    25/02/2011 Duração: 56min

    Co-host Becky is sponsoring the world-famous channel Lee Carroll, who brings forth Kryon of Magnetic Service. He will be in Atlanta this weekend. Come listen as Lois and Becky talk about Lee's latest channel published in Sedona Journal, the goings-on in Egypt, their relevance to social networking and MORE!

  • Joan Walker - Channel for AM Kuthumi and AAGabriel

    04/02/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    On this show I will be talking with Joan Walker who acts as a channel for the Ascended Master Kuthumi and for various Archangels, including Gabriel. She does this on behalf of many famous teachers and writers in the field of spirituality...names you would recognize. Come listen as I talk with Joan!

  • Audre Gutierrez on "Our Spiritual Connection to Plants"

    14/01/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    When I asked Audre what she would like to talk about, she said, "How about starting with the spiritual nature of our connection to the plants & trees, and how that ultimately heals us...that could lead to some specifics on emotional/spiritual/physical situations. I think it is so important for people to realize the emotional and spiritual basis of physical ailments...and the healing that has to take place on all three levels!" Since I agree with her, this is what we will be talking about.

  • Christmas Eve Day chat with Lois

    24/12/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    Call in and talk with Lois this Christmas Eve Day! We will listen to music appropriate to the season and or talk...it is up to us in the moment! Music will include some Sissel (www.sissel.com) and perhsps some Gregorian chants (which are done in the Ancient Solfeggio scale!)... Luminous Blessings of the Season.... Lois

  • Lois and Carol about the current energies

    17/12/2010 Duração: 46min

    Come listen as Lois and Carol, who are good friends, talk more about what is going on this month--or whatever comes up.

  • Lois and Becky Discuss "What's Happening NOW."

    10/12/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    At this time there is a lot going on energetically and it is affecting our work life, family life, relationships and feelings of safety in the world. Come listen as Lois and Becky talk about what they are experiencing, what they are hearing that others are going through, and why all this may be happening at this particular point in history. There will be talk about what we can do to ease the angst of NOW. Good friend Melissa Lockwood will also be calling in to contribute.

  • Journey of Awakening

    03/12/2010 Duração: 58min

    Linda (Lynn) Beaucage is her “Government name”, her Native American name is BWAUN EQUA, which translates into English as Sioux Woman. She is of mixed blood – Native American (Lakotah and Cree) and Caucasian. She spent the first ten years of her life, "with my Great-Grandmother as my teacher, using all the languages, customs, and traditions of my lineage," as she puts it. After her Great-grandmother walked (passed) on, she spent the next 33 years lost between two worlds. Trying to fit into the English speaking one, while trying to maintain her Native heritage. She finally came full circle to find her true path of awareness. Bwaun began to follow the Spiritual Path of her Native American Heritage, otherwise known as the Good Red Road, and through that journey, gained the knowledge of self discovery. Bwaun says, "Ever since I can consciously remember, I have always looked for truth, knowledge, and wisdom. Especially regarding every aspect of my own life; my very essence. Who am I? Where do I originally call h

  • Elemental Love Styles, by Dr. Craig Martin

    19/11/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    Our primary relationship is one of the most important things in our lives, so why do so many relationships fail?” asks Dr. Craig Martin, author of the new book, “Elemental Love Styles: Find Compatibility and Create a Lasting Relationship” Dr Craig says, “Relationships fail because people don’t know what they need.” In his insightful book, Dr. Martin provides a new, simple, concise method for identifying your deeper needs in a relationship and understanding how people love in different ways. He uses the four natural elements to represent the human personality styles: Fire (creative and enthusiastic), Air (communicative and social), Water(emotional and intuitive) and Earth (practical and grounded). This system provides people in relationships with a structured way of viewing themselves and their partners, and it gives single people tools to understand what they should look for in a partner. Not sure if you’re a Fire, Air, Water or Earth? The book includes an in-depth questionnaire to help you figure it out. Th

  • The Nightfall Project - Bianca Finkler

    12/11/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    Today we will be talking with Bianca Finkler, owner of the website/podcast "The Nightfall Project." Bianca lives in The Netherlands, and interviews interesting, free-thinking people from all over the world on her amazing show. The purpose of her show is to encourage people to think outside the box, and to communicate with others of like mind. Here is a quote from her website:..."The history of this planet shows that people have been penalized for free thinking. We live in the greatest tyranny this world can hold. A tyranny that reaches far and colonizes space. We are being unaware of it because we're being fed a story that is only a part of the truth. A dark shroud has been cast over our consciousness, a darkness so vast that many of us are truly afraid to live. But sometimes the darkest challenges, the most difficult lessons, hold the greatest gems of light. Only in the darkness light can be seen. Like a beautiful star in the night sky." ----Bianca has interviewed the likes of Carl Calleman, Ian Crane, B

  • Audre Gutierrez on Aromatherapy

    29/10/2010 Duração: 01h00s

    Let's try again! Audre's website is: www.shiningsunaromatherapy.com................... Audre Gutierrez is a certified Medicinal Aromatherapist, and has studied in France with Dr. Malte Hozzel, and in the US with Barry Kapp, John Steele, and Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, among others. She is also a certified Reiki practitioner and consults with clients on using essential oils to create a more vibrant, satisfying life. Her deep connection with the plants and trees has fostered a passion for sustainability...walking and living upon the Earth in a whole, natural and Earth-friendly way. Formerly, Audre had a successful executive career, including 7 years with a major drug development company. She left the corporate world in 2001 to be a full-time partner in Wisdom of the Earth. She currently shares her time between Sedona, AZ and Santa Fe, NM, where she lives with her wonderful husband, Leonardo. In 2009, she created Shining Sun Aromatherapy to provide more focus on her NM practice. She has two beautiful adult children, Br

  • Barbara With; author, psychic and peace activist

    22/10/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    Come listen as I talk with the lovely Barbara With. Barbara is an international peace activist, award-winning author, psychic, workshop facilitator, performer, and inspirational speaker. Her new book, Einstein Et Al: Manifestation, Conflict REVOLUTION® & Building a New Operating System will be released November 2010. Her other books include Imagining Einstein: Essays on M-Theory, World Peace & The Science of Compassion, the winner of two 2007 national book awards; Party of Twelve: The Afterlife Interviews, winner of the 2008 Beach Book Awards for Spirituality; Party of Twelve: Post 9/11, the true story of her journey to become the emissary for Einstein; and Diaries of a Psychic Sorority: Talking With the Angels. Her most recently published book is "Guerrilla Publishing," in which she details for the reader how to best get the book inside him/herself published in the most efficient manner, with the least amount of money spent upfront, and keeping the most profit. Tis promises to be a fabulous intere

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