Lynn Hord

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Gimme the Joy Radio with Lynn Hord will help you to reclaim your birthright and start living with more joy, right now. Lynn shares very practical, grounded and fun ways to reconnect with joy in your daily life, your relationships and your work. If you believe you can live with more joy, but you just dont know how to go about it, this is the show for you. Join Lynn as she takes you on a journey to peel back the layers so you can take back your joy. Lynn Hord is the Joy Coach, founder of Joy School and the Joy@Work programs, and a leading light in the field of joy creation!


  • How To Raise Your Joy Set-Point


    If you've tried creating more joy in your life but haven't quite felt the change you were hoping for then listen in to this episode where I talk about the 2 fundamental things that will shift your energy for the long-haul andshare a simple exercise that will help you expand your capacity for more joy.

  • How to Deepen into the Flow of More Joy


    If you're someone who, either now or in the past, has found safety in the feeling of being in control and who has struggled with the idea of trust, in people or something greater, then listen in. We dive into the ideas of faith, surrender and being versus doing, and how all of them can help you to deepen your joy, especially during difficult times.

  • Living with Joy Through Life’s Greatest Challenges


    If you wonder how to find joy when life is at it's most difficult, and wonder if that's even possible, listen in to this episode. A recent health challenge has left me with a whole new perspective on the possibility - and necessity - of looking for the light even on what feels like the darkest days.

  • How to Find Purpose + Live With Passion


    Do you feel clear about your purpose? Do you think it's just about the work you do? If you are someone who wants to live more on purpose, have more meaning and generally feel more alive, listen in to this episode of Gimme the Joy where we talk about living without fear and realising your deepest desires.

  • Reignite the Spark in Your Relationship


    Do you somestimes struggle to stay connected to the feeling of joy and fun you had when you first met your partner? Listen in to find some simple and fun ways to reginite that spark.

  • Entrepreneurs: How Joy Can Boost Your Business Success


    Putting joy at the heart of your business might seem radical, but it's a strategy for sustainable success and business bliss. Listen in to find out how joy can be practically applied to boost motivation, amplify your marketing, make decision-making easier and help you create a business you love.

  • Joy@work: Why happy staff equal a happy company


    If you're a business leader or manager, supporting your staff to enjoy their work leads to more engaged, more productive and consistently better performing employees. Listen in to find out how you can help your people find more joy in their jobs.

  • Finding Joy in a Troubled World with Lynn Hord


    On a daily basis you can see war, political division, people suffering, families fighting and you might ask, how can I find joy in this? Listen in to discover the four fundamentals for adding peace, joy and harmony to your life and the world around you every day.

  • Joy at work: Don't like your job? Doesn't mean it can't bring you some joy.


    If you don't like your job or wish you enjoyed what you do more, this episode is for you. I'll be sharing small ways you can derive pleasure from your work, make the most of where you are, and stay sane in the midst of ever-changing workplaces.

  • The 4 habits of highly joyful people


    Increasing joy is a far more practical process than you might think and in this episode I'll share the top daily habits you can cultivate to set yourself up for more joy, positivity, and ease in mind + body.

  • The top four ways you can block joy, often without realising it


    Learning how to activate joy is one of the first steps to experiencing more of it, and the next key one is becoming aware of how we might be blocking joy, both consciously and unconsciously. In this episode I'll share the main mental, emotional and physical ways many people block joy.

  • How to spark joy + why it's simpler than you might think


    Do you feel like creating joy is complicated? Or perhaps you're not even sure where to start? Join me on this episodeas I break down some of the practical actions you can take, both big and small, to get more joy flowing in right now.

  • How We Get Started on the Journey to More Joy


    Most of us start on the journey to more joy when we first realise, at some point in our life, that we're not feeling anywhere near as much of it as we want to, or think we 'should be'. So we ask the question, how exactly DO I get to feel more of it? Unlike maths and English, creating more joy is not something they teachyou in school, but the good news is that it IS something you can learn. In this episode Lynn shares some of the general stages on the path to joy and some tips for moving forward wherever you find yourself.

  • A Joy Journey with Lynn Hord; The Secret Weapon for Creating a Happy, Fulfilled Life


    Fun and practical ways to bring more joy into all areas of your life from relationships and work to business.