Michelle Carter

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Tune-in Fridays at 9am pacific / 12pm eastern for The Mindset Make-Over with Lisa and Michelle. Born in British Columbia but making her home in Los Angeles Michelle Carter has always been passionate about healing and weaving meaningful messages in both her music and vocal lessons. Michelle Carter helps others find and hear their bigger voice. A classically trained vocalist, performer and multiple time recording artist Michelle has created a new way for personal expression and manifestation using her own unique style of interpretations and intuition through song, sound and vibration. Helping others to feel safe and comfortable while expressing personal honesty and truth is a gift that comes naturally for Michelle. She uses her artistic and musical skills for this to become an effortless experience for all. As she continues to record and license her music to various commercial, film and tv, she dedicates a larger portion of her creativity and time to The Mindset Make-Over with co-founder Lisa Berry. Michelle Carter and Lisa Berry create coachable moments set to music and unique coaching programs offered online and accessible world wide Enthusiastically and optimistically they begin each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe and create. Their mission is to take all rdquo Stuck, Stagnant, or need a Shift rdquo challenges in life to a place where everyone can experience their most desired result of what success means to them.


  • How to Live and Be Your Best Self - Dr. Marcia Sirota


    Special Guest Dr. Marcia Sirota who.... Marcia is all about long-term results. She works with organizations that want to take charge and empower their people to improve positivity, personal responsibility, performance and leadership.She s not about quick fix overnight solutions. Marcia helps transform individuals, employees, managers and executives into superstars by enabling them to overcome mental blocks and obstacles and helping them to bounce back from adversity. Ruthless Compasion Institute- you'll also learn about The goal of the institute, which is to enable people to live with greater freedom, empowerment and happiness, to be in constructive, meaningful relationships and to make a positive contribution to their family and community.

  • You love dogs right?? How going with your Intuition can lead to miracles


    How love can heal if we listen to our hearts and intuition, even if it comes from the most surprising "who's and what's". Share in this amazing journey as Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer shares her story of an amazing canine friend and second soul mate, sweetheart puppy dog Laila, and the healing journey through cancer. Reach Sheryl at www.transformingthroughlove.com

  • Ceremony - the sacred and the supported


    The sacred and the supported, Ceremony On todays show we hold our very own closing ceremony as we open our hearts to all our listeners and share together a cleanse, a blessing and a celebration of the next phase in life. Learning about ceremony strengthens the actions we make in our own lives as we learn where we already and where we want to make recognition of life's special moments and events. From traditions, rituals, clearings, commitments, welcomings and celebrations, Ceremonies have many elements that allow each of our energy centres to be loved. Today we explore the different tools and ways that different ceremonies are performed. Join us in a very special, very energetically charged episode for 432 Shifts's Mindset Make-Over's closing ceremony show.

  • No title


    Lisa Berry and Michelle Carter create coachable moments set to music and unique coaching programs offered online and accessible world wide! Enthusiastically and optimistically they begin each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe and create. Their mission is to take all Stuck, Stagnant, or need a Shift challenges in life to a place where everyone can experience their most desired result of what success means to them.

  • Boogie Woogie Motivation


    I DARE anyone to not get up and dance during this show!!! "Don't leave it to chance, you're gonna be too late!" says Eric Lambier, visually impaired singer, song writer, producer, and fun performing musician extraordinaire in his song "Ain't Broke, Dont Fix It. We are so happy to have Eric as a guest as he gives us insight into how he views shaking things up, preventing stagnation... regardless of limitations even when they seem impossible to get passed. Complacency versus contemptment and how to get out of our own way. What role does fear play? How much of our stagnation is from lack of opportunity versus lack of belief in ourselves. This is a show not to be missed!! Fun, valuable, memorable....come shake it up with some boogie woogie and inspiring messages.

  • Navigating Through The Storm


    Uneasiness, fear, confusion, anger, surrender. We can all find ourselves in many different direction when we are caught in our own storm. Sometimes we are rocked or more turbulently tossed about. How do we use our rudder? Where can we look to find direction? How do we calm the storm? When is it best to use our sails? Steering our thoughts and emotions will be what sets us in the direction we choose. During this show we'll explore how to maximize the integrity of our ship, our sense of our own weather patterns and our strength to meet and partner with the waves.

  • Hind Sight, Is it 20/20 or is it Blinding?


    Is Hindsight really 20/20 OR is it blinding? We have just wrapped up another year and are starting the new one full of motivation and strong will power for all the resolutions and new starts held in our starry eyes. Soo can we make use of our past experiences,of the learned lessons from the last 365 days to set us in motion for the upcoming year?Is it possible to receive the underlying message from our past choices and experiences and obtain that 20/20 see all vision that we believe would give us access to a better, more fulfilled, happier life? Or does the surprise of outcome lie in living blindly and not really knowing what will happen and not relying on our past results?? Share in todays show as we discuss all kinds of sights and visions, from the third eye chakra to 20/20 eyesight to hindsight. Today we all share the same view.

  • Disproving Evidence That Your Life Sucks


    How we can get stuck looking for the evidence to show up to prove our lies we tell ourselves are true.For the countless times you've been hard on yourself, thought you were a failure, felt that things never work out for you, blamed yourself that you weren't enough and for all the times you with-held self forgiveness...this episode puts the spotlight on the false evidence appearing real (F.E.A.R) and helps you with a paradigm shift to stop the negative repeating patterns. There is a way you can live and not feel like a victim of circumstance. There is a way to be in the decision maker's seat. There is a way to wake up every morning and look forward to all the possibilities the day has to offer, just for you!

  • Purge To Surge - The "Score Feeling" from letting go.


    Hoarding is something we hear about on the extreme level, but breaking it down into all the layers we find out that it's not just about those extremes and physical content BUT about the energy the material items can hold and steal from us. A dress in the back of your closet can anchor you to a past that isn't allowing you to move forward. A tea cup or box of dishes that once belonged to a loved one who passed away that you never use can be taking up more than storage space but rather weighing you down. During this episode we explore what the "things" around us really mean and do we need to actually physically have them to enjoy their past experience. Have the material items served their purpose? This show is all about the surge of the purge! Let's have an energetic yard sale if you will, an emotional donation. Perhaps the items in your very posession could be the gem, the score... that will change someone's life or least make their day. The cycle, the karma, the law of reciprocity.

  • Weight-Less : Go Deep To Lose The Heavy


    There's NOOO way anyone will not feel lighter after this episode. Today you will learn multiple, easy, effective ways to shift. It's all about going deep to cleanse to lose the heavy once and for all! Heavy thoughts, heavy body and heavy heart feelings get vibrated right out of your cells and love and lightness fill you. Everything from learning about sound baths, to becoming your own A+ student in this amaizng school of life is shared on today's show. Come and sing the "Everything Is Awesome Song' with us. See you soon!

  • Strengthening The Connection - Get your Universal HUG


    During this show you'll experience a universal hug. Whether you're feeling alone or want to expand your reach and connection, this show helps you to strengthen the connection with yourself and the people you want in your life. -How to not feel alone-How to boost the results of your intentions-How to achieve bigger changes-How to lend a hand Todays show will highlight unity, synergy and make you feel supported. With two never released shifting songs you won't want to miss the power of strengthening your connection . See you there ! Remember to help us fill the Wish Bottle and email your wish, your dream, your goal so we can all come together and make it your reality. Email us your request at radio@432shift.com

  • How to get Power behind your Shift


    If you're feeling or saying : "I'm unhappy, I'm depressed, I'm tired, I'm sad, I'm LONELY, or LOST" you've already begun your shift and could be on your way to your new course, new path and new energy levels for you to experience happiness, joy and peace. A shift is needed when something you value, believe in, or have promised has been broken, innjured, forgotten or damaged. The shift is necessary to become re-aligned.During this show Lisa and Michelle walk you through the steps of recognizing, breaking through and shifting from a place of disconnect and hopelessness to a supported, hopeful and proactive place. Sharing stories of "Shadow Moments" to highlight shifts in perspectives that have deeper lessons and truly bring you into the light. They'll also use their shifting song "A Friend In Me" to teach you how to better connect with the one who can always be there to help using kindness. You'll hear an update on Benny, the dog, and will also find out what was one of the most attention catching 'hurt" that pe

  • The Power Behind Your Shift - Forgiveness / Ho'oponopono


    High Speed Change through forgiveness Learn how compassion and forgiveness can be used in every situation, from light to heavy ,and experience a shift. During this show you'll enjoy different versions of music for Ho'oponopono and learn how to "fill in the blanks" of the powerful 4 line forgiveness prayer.

  • Dismantling Fears and Self Doubt - Time to feel SAFE


    Stress is caused by the lack of Safety. When we arent safe it's because we're afraid. During this show we'll identify what we are afraid of then walk you through ways to breakdown, disolve and dismantle the fears and experience resolution. *Rejection *Failure *Felling Imprissoned *Becoming sick *Not earning enough Money *Not Living up to our own and other's expectations Feel the shift as you listen to the coachable moments set to music during the show. The clearing of mindchatter is assited by the vibration of 432Hz and the intentionof the show.

  • The Time To Get Out Of Your Own Way Is NOW


    Music, sound and stories anchor you to the present while letting you explore all possibilities! Get to know Lisa and Michelle as they share about how worry can get you stuck in both the past and the present and what can be done to experience the "now" in a more FUlFILLING way. Hear how a shift can turn into transformation !!Go beyond what's possible and start asking "What could be even better? "