Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 15 - Just found out I have ADHD, what a relief to know there is a name for my condition which is a gift not curse.



Thank you Jessica McCabe for your Ted Talk, finds out about her, and her patreon which I am proud to say I just joined. www.howtoadhd.com Hello my lovely listeners or readers, this week I have found what I thought was wrong with me for almost all my life. It’s called ADHD, Einstein, J.F.K, Richard Branson, Justin Timberlake, and many others have it, in fact we represent around 3 to 5% of the population. For years I have been suffering from not being able to switch off my brain to sleep, can not keep a day job for long, have impulsive behaviors, not aware of time like most people, able to hyper focus on a task to the point that I forget to eat or drink, procrastinate, start many things and not finish them, be full of ideas, daydream constantly, lose my concentration if some talk to me too slow, being forgetful, and piss a lot of people without realising it. I have sorted myself out on many factors, with meditation, exercise, self improvement, boosting my self esteem, before I actually found out I had A