Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 19 Healing Super Power? I need your opinion for an experiment please...



I have gone mad and I need your help, please… Since I’m back in France I have taken some unusual ways to better myself or find myself if you prefer. This included seeing two women, one in energy balancing kind of things, and the second in similar stuff. The first one, Caroline, Hi be the way if you listening) but her hands-on part of my body, not the part you thinking about you pervert, no no, only on my head, and feet. Now if I told this to myself a few years back, I would have kicked the shit out of myself with a massive dildo, but this year I was open to new things, and I thought, what’s the worst that can happen right? Well, well, I felt good, I reckon this help me regarding quitting smoking cigarette, yeah I have just quit, I and I did not need to go on a vape, or any other help. Anyway, something happened to me while she was working on my, My hands becoming hot like pins and middle kind of things, really strongly. I did not understand then, Caroline told me then, your body is trying to tell you som