Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 21 - Marcus Aurelius Roman Emperor Stoic philosopher. Finding courage for a better life.



I’ve heard about Stoic philosophy from Tim Ferris and Darren Brown, but never actually looked into it until this week, where I just finished reading How to be like a Roman Emperor from Marcus Aurelius written by Donald Robertson. Oh boy, I can not wait to read it again. It’s full of great life advice, that speaks so true still in today’s world. The fast that Marcus and other poeple of their time like Socrates, already worked it all out for us, and I’m asshamed to say at only 39 years of age, I finally understand what they were sharing with the world. You would think what they wrote would not apply to us in the 21st century, well I couldn’t be more wrong. Everythins they talked about, debated and wrote about is as true today as the sun rising every morning. I invite you, no I implore you that if you are going to read one book this year, then you should read this book. Well of course make time for Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill too. A point on meditation: Meditation experts often give the following a