Karen Swain Atp Radio

Jean-Charles Moyen Super Soldier StarSeed Teleportation Telepathy



See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-69K Filmmaker & Super StarSeed Jean-Charles Moyen, served as a captain of a squad team of research & rescue in space, working with extraterrestrials conducting missions as a Super Soldier in Off-World Ops. At the age of 4, and again at 13 while at a summer camp in France, Jean-Charles Moyen was taken by off world beings into a Secret Space program. He remembers serving as captain of a search and rescue team, in a 20 year round trip program on the Solaris spaceship in the Solar Warden. He’s produced many films sharing his story, and is currently producing a sequel to his film; South Shore Origin, with Dr. Michael Salla.