Arden First Baptist Church

The Best Christmas Ever, Part 1: Elizabeth's Dream Come True - Audio



The Greatest Christmas Ever Part 1-Elizabeth’s Dream Come True: How to transform your doubt into destiny! Question to Ponder-How should I respond when it seems like God is not responding to my prayers? When God turns your misery into a miracle… 5 Truths that can transform your doubt into destiny! 1. Even godly people struggle with unanswered prayers (v. 5-7). 2. God has a message of hope even in the most hopeless situations (v. 8-17). 3. Never doubt God’s promises even when they seem too good to be true (v. 18-22). 4. God likes to resurrect dreams that died a long time ago (v. 23-25). 5. God can transform your test into a testimony (v. 57-58). Action Steps: 1. Look to God’s Word for God’s promises. 2. Don’t stop believing what God has promised to you. 3. Keep on praying even when you want to stop! Remember the best things in life often come much later than you desire! 4. Give more of yourself to Jesus this Christmas than ever before! Take Home Truth: