Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

The Name Of The Game - Board Game Babble 95



***What’s up in Babblot*** 3:28 Badger’s sound projects Burky at BGG Con   ***Introducing Michael Dennis*** 11:00 From Ready Steady Play  https://www.youtube.com/@ReadySteadyPlay   ***Things that make the King go Hmmm!*** 16:00 Overstocking problem Heroscape back on the shelf    ***Sponsor break*** 32:20 Amazing deal and late pledge on Game Topper   ***What game is behind the door*** 34:40 Our quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, Michael Dennis in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers are before us?   ***Sponsor break*** 1:17:27 Arcane Wonders latest release Dice Manor    ***The Babble*** 1:20:20 IP’s whether they be from films, books or video games are a big draw to you buying a game or not. With the quality of these titles becoming their own thing and not just a slapped on lick of paint for an existing game (I’m looking at you Monopoly) we wanted to revisit the subject of IP=Cash Grab.   --------------------------------------- You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all ep