Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

Ian Robinson on Building Your Own Digital Work Environment



When you think about a work environment, what immediately comes to mind? For many people, their work environment is a physical place -- an office, a renovated closet, even the kitchen table. My guest today talks about another kind of work environment -- our digital spaces, where many of us spend considerable time as well. Ian Robinson and his team at Enliven design and build highly functional, collaborative web apps for expert operational and project management processes. Ian works with established professional services firms - from construction to accounting - which have a unique worldview and proprietary operations to build a sustainable and healthy culture of expertise through the ongoing practice of product development. While Ian’s natural bent toward process improvement and the development skills he has cultivated over the years make him an astute leader, it is his genuine desire to help companies create healthier workplaces through custom software that sets him apart from a largely sterile sector. For I