Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Mady Bishop - Annie Whitlock - Kenidee Marx



If you have a daughter or a son in college, this is a MUST listen!  Mady Bishop, Annie Whitlock, and Kenidee Marx get vulnerable about navigating the pressures of college life.  Feeling alone, having an eating disorder, and mental health challenges are just a few of the important issues they open up about.    Mady Bishop   From Utah and Mady is the youngest (and only girl) of 5.  She served in the New Hampshire, Manchester Mission, graduated from BYU with a BA in Communications (Public Relations Emphasis), and currently works in Finance at Qualtrics and teaches High Fitness at Vasa on the side. Mady is passionate about health and fitness and gained a special love and appreciation for her body through struggling with disordered eating several years ago. She loves doing anything active, reading books, eating ice cream, and spending time with her friends!   You can Follow Mady @madyyyanne   Annie Rees Whitlock   Annie is from Utah and also spent a few years living on the east coast.  She served a mission for th