Event Horizon

Ep 33 - Programming The Universe - Bonus Material



In Episode 33, I dig in and provide additional evidence that the Ancients were trying to program the universe when they built the megalithic structures and geoglyphs around the world. Mayans believed that the will and actions of the gods could be read in the stars, moon, and planets, so they built their most important buildings with astronomy in mind. Maya daykeepers published astronomical tables tracking the movements of celestial bodies, and I believe that the Mayan Calendar Round was constructed because they thought the universe was simulated. The Calendar Round was based on two overlapping annual cycles: a 260-day sacred year and a 365-day secular year. In the Calendar Round, each day was assigned a day number and day name. The Calendar Round is a 52-year cycle, and each interval the calendar resets itself, making time an infinite loop.The Egyptians knew the distance between the inner planets and may have represented that distance when they constructed the Giza strip Pyramids. Researchers have also fou