Tiffany Granath

Glynis McCants The Numbers Lady



Tiffany welcomes Glynis McCants back to the show to discuss numerology.Glynis McCants has been studying Numerology for over 21 years. Her unique method is based on the Pythagoras Number system, which is more than 2,500 years old. After evaluating approximately 15,000 Numerology Charts, she wrote her first book Glynis Has Your Number, which quickly became the best selling Numerology book in the country, and has been translated in fifteen other languages as well.After successfully picking her husband through Numerology, Glynis was inspired to write her second book Love by the Numbers, which has also become a Best-Seller. Glynis has created many Numerology tools such as The Numerology Kit, the Healing by the Numbers CD, and the How To Manifest Financial Prosperity CD. She then went on to develop two CD sets called Affirmations to Heal Your Body , and Affirmations to Attract Healthy Love. These aids have been invaluable in helping people achieve their personal goals.You may have seen Glynis McCants on The Dr. Phi