Conversations With Cinthia

Happy New Year: A New Beginning, Part 1



Happy New Year!  Some of you may be greeting 2020 with excitement and fervor, while others may bring discouragement, loss, or longing for previous years.  Some go in with determination to meet resolutions with 100% faithfulness, while others avoid setting goals they could potentially fail to meet.  How can we approach 2020 with hope and helpful tools?  Cinthia explains that both resolutions and hindsight become destructive when we use them for self-condemnation, but that vision-casting and getting closure on the past can help us begin this new decade with direction, purpose, and freedom.  Do resolutions and new beginnings excite you but fizzle quickly mid-January?  Do you assume you won't make more progress this year than you have before now? Join Cinthia to look at what it means to cast vision and live each day as the beginning of a new year.