Conversations With Cinthia

The Dilemma of Change during COVID-19



We are in a time of tremendous change, and we don't really know where it's headed.  Change isn't new, though, and today Cinthia looks at how to deal with it at this time in history.  What has changed for you?  How are you dealing with it?  Cinthia reminds us that, while God is not the author of harm, He is also not surprised by the current changes.  These changes cannot prevent Him from making us more like the people He intended us to be.  In fact, even while He grieves for the loss and destruction that mars the world He made, He still triumphantly uses change to produce growth, beauty, character, relationships, and so many other good things.  Join Cinthia to explore what it means to continue becoming the best version of yourself, the person you were meant to be, even in the midst of the current change.