Conversations With Cinthia

Lean On Me



Times like this, times of change and uncertainty and adjustment, cause us to look where we lean and consider what we've made our foundation, our support, our hope, our everything.  Maybe you've always tried to lean on God but are surprised at how shaken you feel by something that's happened.  Maybe you're upset about the virus or the economy or the decisions made by others.  Maybe you are in a specific situation that involves sheltering in a very stressful place or trying to figure out how to support yourself and your family when your livelihood has disintegrated in a matter of weeks.  The ground on which you stand may be shifting rapidly, and you may not have the strength to deal with the unknown.  God knows.  He is stable and strong.  When our understanding runs out, we find it was always more limited than we knew.  Join Cinthia to look at what it means to lean on God and not be disappointed.