Conversations With Cinthia

You Have the Liberty to Be Free



How free are you?  Do you truly experience liberty?  Liberty and freedom are big concepts with big implications for politics, but they are also important concepts for those of us seeking to live our best lives, be our own best versions, and generally manage ourselves and our lives in healthy ways.  Victor Frankl, for example, lived for years in concentration camps and found that he and other captives experienced differing levels of internal liberty, despite being equally deprived of their outward freedoms.  If liberty involves the power and freedom to act as you choose to act and to manage your own mind, are you experiencing that power and freedom, or have you given up control to habits, grudges, regrets, addictions, codependent attachments, thinking patterns, or other forces?  Join Cinthia to discuss what it means to live as truly free people and as those who embrace liberty, regardless of our circumstances.