Conversations With Cinthia

A Life of Listening: Interview with Dr. Leighton Ford



In a world of soundbytes, really listening to each other can seem a dying art, one that takes more energy and time than we want to allow.  But we have a God Who listens to us, Who truly attends to us.  Following His example requires learning how to listen to Him and to others -- and even to ourselves.  Today's guest is Dr. Leighton Ford, a man who some say has mentored more people (especially Christian leaders) than anyone else alive!  He and his wife Jean began a ministry to Christian leaders after losing their 21-year-old son.  He joins Cinthia today to discuss his books A Life of Listening:  Discerning God's Voice and Discovering Our Own and The Attentive Life:  Discerning God's Presence in All Things.   Whether you listen for a living or have trouble truly hearing and discerning anything these days, join Cinthia to learn from a master of attending to what matters.