Conversations With Cinthia

Show Up As A Grown-Up (Originally aired 6-7-20)



Do you ever suspect that our society is low on grown-ups these days?  We tend to believe we are entitled to consistently pleasant feelings and that someone is to blame if these aren't happening.  We get confused about the difference between things that "feel" true and things that actually are.  Cinthia explains that these ways of thinking tend to be hallmarks of childhood, not signs of a healthy adult approach.  Just as we don't want little children trying to handle adult problems, we can't let the most childish and vulnerable parts of our psyches run our lives and make decisions that impact our lives and the lives of other people.  So how do adults deal with feelings?  What hopes should we grasp, and what losses should we accept?  How can we grow up enough to stop needing to believe things that aren't true?  Join Cinthia to examine some ideas that may be difficult but can help us to truly grow up.