Podcast Rodeo




Comments on DealMakers? 888-563-3228 Description The DealMakers show features entrepreneurs that have been very successful at raising capital or getting their company acquired. Website http://alejandrocremades.com/ (http://alejandrocremades.com/) Opinion The intro sounded great and was a great lead-in. You did kind of a "hooray he's not from USA" which being from the USA I found a bit weird (I get your wife is from Canada). You didn't get me excited about your guest, and then basically read his resume with him. He occasionally had to correct you (twice) which made you look ill-prepared. If the idea of the show is to position you as an expert, this won't help. I would ask, "Is all of this background needed? Couldn't you have read the businesses he's started and sold in his intro, and then get into the things that are NOT on his LinkedIn profile? As a podcast what makes a good podcast is when you get content you CAN'T get anyplace else. Also, the name of your show being one-word DealMakers may hinder your ab