Podcast Rodeo

Lynch and Taco



Comments on Lynch and Taco? 888-563-3228 Listen Description Audio from 1011 WJRR including Lynch and Taco's Idiotology 101, Sports, Scummer of the Week, and celebrity interviews. Website https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-Lynch-and-Taco-27068141 (https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-Lynch-and-Taco-27068141) Opinion It is as advertised a snippet from a radio show. They had me hooked in as I didn't want to miss the end of the story. I would've said when Lynch and taco are on the air, but all in all a quick snippet of a radio show that had me engaged. Get A Full Review If you’d like a full review of your podcast, check out http://www.podcastreviewshow.com/ (Podcast Review Show) or if you need Podcast Consulting, http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com/schedule (Book an Appointment Today) Get Your Podcast Reviewed Sign up at https://www.fiverr.com/podcastcoach/review-your-podcast-content?funnel=70d0aee2-2f12-4ddc-b523-d0ef612ef1a2 (Fiverr. com) Get a full review on the http://www.podcastreviewshow.com (Podcast Review