Podcast Rodeo

Better Than Happy



Comments on Better Than Happy? 888-563-3228 Description This podcast provides practical tools and real life application for taking your life from where ever it is to the next level. We cover relationships, health, emotions, mindset, confidence, entrepreneurship, money and all other parts of being a human. Did you know there is something better than happiness? It’s the life you were meant to live. Website https://jodymoore.com/podcast/ (https://jodymoore.com/podcast/) Opinion I liked the introduction, and the audio quality was great. Everything was moving along and you did a GREAT job on introducing your guest. I REALLY wanted to hear Deb Butler. Then you went into your pitch about a webinar that (pretty much) gave a step by step of what a webinar is. I would rather them to an easy to remember link, and get back to the program. Use the website to educate them on the webinar and coaching. Then you went to read a review. Do you know who gets excited about reviews? THE HOST. There isn't a listener who presse