Podcast Rodeo

Altered Stories Show



DescriptionPodcast Rodeo Show: Reviews and First Impressions of Your Podcast was started by Mischelle Saunders-Gottsch, CEO/ Founder of Altered Stories Ministry (http://www.alteredstories.org (www.alteredstories.org)). This podcast exists to help women share their transformational redemptive God stories so women across the world can hear them. The evangelistic commission of the podcast aligns with scripture, Luke 8:39 (NIV) “Return home and tell how much God has done for you. So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for his life.” What I Liked About This EpisodeAdding the scripture reference helps explain the motivation behind the show. What I Thought Could Use Some PolishingThe Intro The intro doesn't explain what the show is. It says the title and says the host's name. I would suggest Welcome to the Altered stories show where (tell God Stories?) for (target audience) so that they can (result of listening). The Audio Quality This audio quality is not up to speed with other podcas