Jeena's Excellent Encounters

Jehovah's Witnesses - Althéa



Althea was born into a family of Jehovah's Witnesses, she tells her story about her childhood, teenage years and how she leftIn this podcast:JeenaAlthéa GaglianoMy prepared notesThese are the notes I have made during preperation, we often don't follow them exactly but they help to follow the conversation.*** Intro **** Who are you? **** What are Jehovah's Witnesses? *** Upbringing **** Early understanding of the religion **** Doing service/teaching as a 9 years old **** A lot of pretending in the outside world **** Only friends from inside the congregation **** Big lies/conspiracy theories **** People didn't seem to be happy *** Teenage years **** Baptised at 16 **** Boyfriend triggers new ideas about religion and life **** Want's to leave **** Writes a letter to the elders **** They talk to her parents *** False "Mental illness" **** Mother convinced everyone **** Medication with Litium **** 7 years with medication **** Second opinion didn't agree **** Without medication back to normal **** Married without l