Jerry Banfield

How to Stop Being Bothered by Trash



Do you want to know how to stop being bothered by trash? I used to get real upset when I passed by trash or people would litter! This podcast episode discusses why I don't let it bother me as much anymore, and the tools I use to overcome this. Here are some helpful timestamps for you: 00:00 Do you get angry and annoyed when you see trash lying around? In this video, I'll explain how to stop being bothered by trash! 00:28 This video is here to help you so you don't experience anger and annoyance anymore and that you can turn your energy into something productive. 00:50 What do I do when I see trash in an alleyway? How does complaining about something you will not fix help anyone? The one thing you can do about the situation whenever you see trash is to do something about it instead of complaining! 1:38 Here's a story about a time when I picked up trash and it was nasty! But that's how it is sometimes, right? 3:19 When you see it and you do something, sure some annoyance might come up but at least you solv