Jerry Banfield

Best Ways for Facebook Live Streamers to Make Money Using a Website!



There are several ways that you can make money using Facebook Live. In this podcast, I'll share all those ways with you so that you can start earning online income. Check it out and once you're done will you please learn how to stream live on Facebook by completing the whole course here at 00:00 Talking about the ways that you can earn money by live streaming on Facebook, including receiving stars from fans. 1:16 The number one way that you know about is by earning stars from Facebook donors! There are two ways to do them, one involves free stars that are given to your viewers by free and the second is to have viewers pay for stars. 4:16 You can also become a supporter and earn more income monthly from people who have subscribed to your channel! 7:20 Another sleeping giant way to make money from videos is by making ad breaks using your Facebook Manager. Every time that someone watches your video and they watch an ad, then you can earn revenue from your viewers! 10:45 Ad b