Jerry Banfield

Deplatforming Mastermind and Support for Banned Instructors and Suspended Freelancers



Have you ever received a suspension or been banned online? If you’ve ever been booted off a freelancer or teaching platform and want to join a support group, please visit and join our Mastermind group! In this podcast episode, I explain how to get support as a banned instructor or suspended freelancer so that you can plan your next steps. Here are some timestamps to help you navigate: 06:17 Let’s look at what sort of support group we’re offering and what’s included with the Jerry Banfield Partner Program. We’ve been through some devastating failures and can help you when something comes up with your business! 08:30 In the Jerry Banfield Partner Program we talk about how we can build businesses and grow relationships. 09:16 You’re also able to sell your products and services on Uthena, which is our next level education platform. 10:11 Another thing you’ll get access to is the Jerry Banfield Partners Facebook Group! 14:20 We also have a Dropbox folder that has 138 video courses