Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

258. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion



Quite a remarkable process to look up and find the definition of various words in order to communicate better.  Would be nice to have an agreed to definition so that we all can communicate appropriately.  Wouldn’t it. A man last named Cassette, said once, “As soon as certain words we all think are true are communicated the concrete melts into the abstract until none of us know what the hell we are talking about if we all do know the simple meaning of a word” Diversity the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: Equity the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality: Inclusion the act of including. The fun part is that old dictionaries, hard bound ones, have simple definitions.  The internet (which we now all use) has very new ones.  Wonder why they are new.  So I looked into the dates the words were redefined. In 2009 -16, these three words were redefined 5 times, on the internet under the dictionary website.  In 2021 they were changed again. If rules and definitions of exact te