Jon Bowne Politix

JBP 32- The Democratic Party Must Go



I am sure most of you out there are just as angry or perplexed or maybe even glad that Nancy Pelosi tore up President Trump's speech. In the hallowed halls of our Republic. Where, as protocol and tradition dictate, the Executive Office is supposed to be treated as a long awaited guest of the three branches of Government. As the Democrats sat like spoiled children tired from throwing temper tantrums all day at our literal expense. The rest of our government, the corpratocracy that feeds off of the American public like a giant tick, continues on like aloof parents that tolerate this behavior for unknown reasons. The rest of us are the neighbors that go to work everyday to support their lifestyles. On one side, the Republicans maintain the Wall Street illusion of the Federal Reserve and kow tow to the fat cats making real decisions that effect all of us perched high in megalithic board rooms. And on the other, the Democrats, with their history of hypocrisy, but with bleeding hearts and pseudo middle class champi