Maya Akai Presents

Episode #28- Opening your Eyes to your Emotional Blind Spot Zone



We all have tendencies to look past things, ignored red flags or fall into a pattern of repetitious unrewarding behavior. Often these behaviors or decisions are unconscious, or are they? Have you found that you keep finding yourself in the same situations with different people, on a bad financial carousel that never seems to stop or on an emotional roller coaster that ends up in the same place when the ride is over? Well, good news, if you have taken notice of these things then your self-awareness and your emotional intelligence may be waking up. Waking up to what you ask? More likely than not, you have been unconsciously going into that uncharted territory of your mind and emotions, the emotional blind spot zone or the EBS Zone. This episode on M.A.Y.A. we will start the discovery process of your EBS Zone