Real Estate, With Ezio.

3 Things to Consider When Hiring a Realtor - #90SecondShow Podcast Edition - #RealEstateWithEzio



For this week’s episode of the #90SecondShow I am bringing to you guys “3 Things You Should Consider Before Hiring a Real Estate Agent” — 1.) Market Knowledge 2.) Chemistry w/ you 3.) Positive Past Client Reviews — Market Knowledge - You want to have an agent that’s knows your local market very well and will guide you through the process of buying and selling your home, step by step. — Chemistry w/ You - The home buying or selling process can take a few weeks and sometimes even months. During this time, you’re going to be in constant communication with your agent, so it is important to be able to have a genuine connection with your agent. For many people the home buying and selling process can be a bit overwhelming, the last thing you want is to have unpleasant conversations/communication with your agent. — Positive Past Client Reviews - Don’t take an agent’s word for it, see what others have to say about the way they conduct business. Based on an agent’s reviews or lack of them, you will find out if that age