Zelda Informer Podcast

Episode 228 - Zelda’s Percentages: Breath of the Wild 2 Edition!



Welcome back to another episode of ZELDA'S PERCENTAGES! The premise is simple: we read off a statement and then assign a probability of said statement coming true! This week, however, we're putting a bit of a twist on the gimmick by inviting our friend and Zelda Dungeon social media manager McKenna Krebs on the show and using her blog, zeldaisthegirl.com, as inspiration for our questions! Based on FOUR YEARS of wishlist's, we go through, read off, and assign a percentage to everything McKenna hopes to see in Breath of the Wild 2! Swimming and diving? Repairable weapons? The accordion as a musical instrument? A rebuilt Hyrule? More involvement from the new Champions? The Minish making a return? And of course, the million dollar question: is Princess Zelda a playable character? All this and more, PLUS, we are announcing the winner of the Blossom Tales II giveaway! Make sure to check out McKenna's blog for more content and thoughts on Breath of the Wild 2!   Follow The Zelda Cast! Twitter The Zelda Cast (@TheZel