Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Amazon best selling book claims and the 16,000 book categories



Amazon best selling book claims and the 16,000 book categories is the title of S.09 E.04 n.137 of the FSG Brand Messaging and Optics Podcast, Wait What Really OK hosted by FSG Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman. Does it ever seem like there are way too many authors claiming to be best sellers of books you’ve never heard of”Have you noticed that some of these authors will spend a lot of time promoting a ranking but seem to have no skill win promoting the book it self?Also, have you noticed when you search how to become an Amazon best seller, there are hundreds of services that will guarantee a momentary ranking so you can claim to have an Amazon Best selling book, but none of these seem to be selling all that many books?And have you noticed that some of the ebook rankings are actually referring to free downloads over actual sales?Did you know authors can buy reviews? And are you aware there are 16000 book categories on Amazon? And that some book promotion companies will advise you to list in a sub