George Perez Stories

#125 SideDick Eddie & Rodrigo Torres & 3 Plates Tommy & Ezone & XG



It's a pack house tonight at the studio, and everyone was with it this Monday night. Rodrigo, 3PT and Ezone cruise it over and we hot boxed this mother fucker up and shit started to get weird quick like always. Getting stranded back in the day with out an uber gets brought up! What happened to all the fine bitches from high school what happened to them ugly bitches. The party line from back in the day get brought up how we use to get females back in the day. Stay tune to find out what happened when I relapsed this weekend and jumped back on the horse.....#takeshowerwhitepower@GeorgePcomedy@Sidedickeddie@Bzzt_collevtive@Xgmarksthespot@ezonedafirm@rodigotorresjr