Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

Download - 02/02/21 - Hydroxychloroquine Could Have Prevented 400k COVID Deaths



Doug begins with Daisy Mae's Pee Report. At 94, Tony Bennett is said to have battled Alzheimer's for the last 4 years. He has no problem remembering the lyrics. Next, a Jeff Bridges Lymphoma update. Kim Kardashian's robber write a book about stealing from her. SF Teacher says that Bernie Sanders is the model of the White Privileged. Many that The Fairness Doctrine may return. Then, we meet Author David Brown. In his book "The Mission" he tells the true story of the most ambitious science project ever conceived: NASA’s deep space mission to Europa, the Jovian moon where might swim the first known alien life in our solar system. Finally, Dr. Jack Stockwell reveals a new report that confirms that maybe 400k COVID deaths could have been prevented with the use of Hydroxychloroquine.