Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

Download - 02/17/21 - Wine Fights off Some Cancers, Depression, Lowers Stroke and Heart Attack Risk



Doug asks how will we ever get out of debt by lowering Taxes? Victoria brings up the old "those who pay the most, pay the least in Taxes" point of view. Doug wonders what's happening in New Orleans, with this being Ash Wednesday? Even though there's no Mardi Gras, you can still drink on the streets of NO. Jen explains the meaning of Fat Tuesday and all about giving up stuff for Lent. It's now been medically proven that Wine fights depression, lowers the risk of heart attacks, strokes, dementia and even some Cancers. Did you know that mice are less anxious when given wine? Mr. Romantic, Michael Jordan gave his stock in one of his companies for Valentine's Day. Next, our Pet Guru Warren Eckstein explains to Doug, how often your dog should have a physical and what it should include. Finally, he reveals what he feeds his dogs.