Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

Download - 02/18/21 - What Adult Beverage Did The Pharos Bring Along on Their Final Journeys?



February 18th is national "Drink Wine Day," with it's origins believed to be over 4-thousand years ago in ancient Armenia. Mummies have contained evidence that the Pharos likely took some of their favorite vino on their final trips. Jennifer shares the backstory on the famous Lucy grape stomping episode. Studies indicate that 42% of Americans prefer the reds. Speaking of adult beverages, Victoria reminds us that no alcohol should be consumed 24 hours before being vaccinated. Jen shares her Mom's bad reaction. POTUS slips up at Town Hall by making a racist comment about minorities and vaccinations. Next, Dr. Ken Kronhaus has news that vaccine manufactures have found ways to speed up production of the Vaccines. The Johnson & Johnson is Vaccine likely to be approved soon by the FDA. Finally, Dr. Ken says that once 75% of Americans are vaccinated, the Virus will no longer be able to mutate.