Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

Download - 02/24/21 - No Need For Your Newly Neutered Puppy To Be Embarrassed



Doug notices passers-by staring at newly tapped Maple Trees and remembers his childhood memories, wondering if it caused pain to the trees. Then, on to our amazing bodies and how they miraculously heal themselves. Next, on to the serious news of the day, of Ted Cruz calling his complaining neighbors "*#!*#-holes." Things aren't looking good for New York Governor Cuomo as he faces charges of miss-reporting COVID deaths. The group wonders if we should lower the flag to half-staff remembering the 500k lost to COVID-19. Many schools are now back in session, but some powerful unions are resisting. Our resident Pet Guru Warren Eckstein lightens things up a bit by announcing that neutered male puppies can now get artificial testicles if they feel embarrassed. Finally, Warren explains why dogs growl.